Alan Wake 2 - Witchfinder’s Station PC password

How to Get the Computer Password at Witchfinder’s Station

Alan Wake 2 - Witchfinder’s Station PC password
Remedy Entertainment

Want to get into the computer at Witchfinder’s Station? Here's how:

Finding the Station:

Witchfinder's Station Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment
  • Keep going in the story until the flood is over. Tip: This happens right after a big moment in the game.
  • Go to the station. It's a big building in the northwest part of Cauldron Lake.
    Remedy Entertainment



Finding the Password:

  • Inside, you'll see a computer straight ahead.
  • Want the password? Look closely at the computer screen. Tip: Use your weapon's aim (left trigger) to zoom in. Don't Shine the light directly into the note.
    Remedy Entertainment
  • Spot the sticky note on the screen? It has the password: 2547.
  • Type in the code. Don't worry about extra spaces; just the numbers will do.
    Witchfinder's Station Pc password code
    Remedy Entertainment



What's Inside the Computer?

  • No cool gear or items. Just information.
    Remedy Entertainment
  • You can read emails. These help explain some of the game's puzzles.
    Remedy Entertainment





Puzzles in Alan Wake 2: How They Work

  • There are puzzles on the ground called "Riddles".
  • To solve a riddle, you need two things: clues and items (like dolls or statues).
  • Find these items near the riddles. Then put them on special spots on the ground.
    Remedy Entertainment


  • For example, if a clue says a bird flew somewhere, put a bird figure on that spot.
  • Another clue might talk about a hero and a wolf. So, you put the hero on a boat spot and the wolf on a tree spot.
    Remedy Entertainment
  • With these tips, you should crack every puzzle in the game without needing more help. Enjoy!





