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All Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex: Complete List

If you like cats, then you should catch all these cat Pokemon available in Pokedex. This article will cover a comprehensive list of confirmed catlike creatures in the Pokedex.

All Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex: Complete List

The world of Pokemon features a diverse cast of creature companions, many inspired by animals found in the real world. Among the most popular are cat Pokemon, feline creatures that capture the agility, playfulness, and occasionally temperamental nature of household cats. This article will cover a comprehensive list of all cat Pokemon available in the Pokedex.

What Makes a Pokemon a Cat Pokemon?

All Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex.png

Not all cat Pokemon are explicitly labeled as felines in the Pokedex. However, many share common traits that connect them to cats, like having fur, paws, tails, whiskers, and catlike faces.

Mythical creatures like Entei may seem debatable, but since they draw inspiration from lions, they make the list. On the other hand, Pokemon with less defined origins like Mew aren’t included.



Complete List of All Cat Pokemon in the Pokedex

For trainers looking to catch ‘em all, cat Pokemon should definitely be on the list. But with over 1000 Pocket Monsters spanning eight generations so far, it can be tricky keeping track of which ones fall into the “cat” category. 

After carefully combing through all eight generations, 34 Pokemon in the Pokedex can be classified as cat-like. Here is the complete list of all cat Pokemon in the Pokedex:

Pokemon Type Gen How to Obtain Sprite
Meowth Normal I Capture Meowth.png
Alolan Meowth Dark VII Evolution Alolan Meowth.png
Galarian Meowth Steel VIII Evolution Galarian Meowth.png
Perrserker Steel VIII Capture, Evolution Perrserker.png
Persian Normal I Capture, Evolution Persian.png
Alolan Persian Dark VII Evolution Alolan Persian.png
Sprigatito Grass IX Capture Sprigatito.png
Floragato Grass IX Evolution Floragato.png
Meowscarada Grass/Dark IX Evolution Meowscarada.png
Skitty Normal III Capture Scatty.png
Delcatty Normal III Evolution Delcatty.png
Espurr Psychic VI Capture Espurr.png
Meowstic Psychic VI Capture, Evolution Meowstic.png
Shinx Electric IV Capture, Breed Luxio Shinx.png
Luxio Electric IV Capture, Evolution Luxio.png
Luxray Electric IV Evolution Luxray.png
Electrike Electric III Capture Electrike.png
Manectric Electric III Capture Manectric.png
Purugly Normal IV Evolution Purugly.png
Glameow Normal IV Capture Glameow.png
Liepard Dark V Capture, Evolution Liepard.png
Purrloin Dark V Capture, Breeding Liepard Purrloin.png
Litleo Fire/Normal VI Capture, Poke Pelago Gift Litleo.png
Pyroar Fire/Normal VI Capture, Evolve Pyroar.png
Litten Fire VII Starter Choice Litten.png
Torracat Fire VII Evolution Torracat.png
Incineroar Fire/Dark VII Evolution Incineroar.png
Solgaleo Psychic/Steel VII Evolution, Single-Spawn Capture, Gift Solgaleo.png
Entei Fire II Capture Entei.png
Raikou Electric II Capture Raikou.png
Suicune Water II Capture Suicune.png
Nickit Dark VIII Capture Nickit.png
Thievul Dark VIII Evolution Thievul.png



For trainers looking to collect the purrrfect Pokémon team, this list of 34 catlike pocket monsters is a great starting point. From the original Meowth to recently discovered additions like Sprigatito and Thievul, fans of felines will have their pick of fuzzy companions.

With their versatility, unpredictability, and often contradictory natures, cat Pokemon make well-rounded additions to any trainer’s lineup. Just beware not to get on their bad side, or you may face sharp claws and teeth!
