All Confirmed Factions in Rise of the Ronin: Complete List

What are all the factions in Rise of the Ronin? Our in-depth article covers all confirmed groups so far.

All Confirmed Factions in Rise of the Ronin: Complete List
Team Ninja

Rise of the Ronin is an upcoming action RPG developed by Team Ninja and set in Japan's Bakumatsu era. The game will feature various political factions that players can choose to align with, influencing the story. Here is an overview of all the confirmed factions so far.

All Confirmed Factions in Rise of the Ronin

Sabaku - Pro-Shogunate Forces

Sabaku - Pro-Shogunate Forces
Team Ninja

The Sabaku faction supports the Tokugawa shogunate and seeks to maintain its centralized rule against internal and external threats. They want to preserve the existing political order in Japan.

Some key members of the Sabaku faction include:

  • Naosuke Ii (Hiroyuki Ringa) - Chief minister of the shogunate who opens Japan's ports to foreign trade. Known as the ruthless "Red Demon of Ii". Skilled in Iai swordfighting.
  • Taka Murayama - Famed geisha of the Miyozaki pleasure district in Yokohama, known for her wit and melancholic beauty.
  • Kaishu Katsu (Suishinshi Masahide) - Acting naval commissioner seeking to develop the shogun's navy along Western lines. Master of the Jikishinkage-ryu sword style but avoids violence.



Tobaku - Anti-Shogunate Forces

Tobaku - Anti-Shogunate Forces
Team Ninja

The Tobaku are a diverse group united by their opposition to the shogunate and desire to restore imperial authority in Japan. They are made up of individuals like:

  • Ryoma Sakamoto (Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki) - A ronin aiming to steer Japan through its transition to open trade. Master swordsman and pistol marksman.
  • Kogoro Katsura (Bizen Osafune Kiyomitsu) - Leader dedicated to mentoring younger retainers. Skilled in swordsmanship but prefers non-violence.
  • Genzui Kusaka (Hototogisu) - Student of Yoshida Shoin at the Shoka Sonjuku Academy. Expert in the Nito-ryu two sword fighting style.





Obei - Western Forces

Obei - Western Forces
Team Ninja

The Obei are foreign powers looking to open Japan to trade after centuries of isolationism. They include figures such as:

  • Matthew Perry (Commodore's Saber) - American commodore who brought his Black Ships to forcibly open Japanese ports.
  • Rutherford Alcock (Sophisticate's Saber) - British diplomat assessing Japan's economy. Has a fascination with Japanese crafts.
  • Jules Brunet (Régiment Trappings) - French army officer leading a military advisory group. Compassionate and refuses to abandon those who depend on him.



All Confirmed Factions in Rise of the Ronin: Table

Faction Key Figures Overview

Naosuke Ii

Taka Murayama,

Kaishu Katsu

Pro-shogunate aims to preserve the centralized rule

Ryoma Sakamoto 

Kogoro Katsura  

Genzui Kusaka

Anti-shogunate, seek to restore imperial authority

Matthew Perry

Rutherford Alcock

Jules Brunet 

Foreign powers looking to open Japan to trade

These are all the major factions that have been confirmed so far for Rise of the Ronin. Players' choices in aligning with specific factions will shape the game's narrative and unlock different story outcomes when it launches on March 22, 2024, exclusively for PS5.

