All Realm Cards in Nightingale & How to Get Them

A complete guide to all realm cards in Nightingale - biome, major and minor cards and how to unlock them.

All Realm Cards in Nightingale & How to Get Them
All Realm Cards in Nightingale & How to Get Them

Nightingale is a vast magical world filled with mystical realms. As a realm walker, you can traverse between different fantastical biomes using magical realm cards. These cards allow you to customize each realm's environment, enemies, resources, structures, and more to your liking.

In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive list of all known realm cards in Nightingale and how you can get your hands on them.

An Overview of Realm Cards in Nightingale

An Overview of Realm Cards in Nightingale
An Overview of Realm Cards in Nightingale

There are three main types of realm cards in Nightingale:

  • Biome Cards: These cards summon different environmental biomes like forests, deserts, and swamps.
  • Major Cards: These cards summon realms with different difficulty levels, NPC factions, quests, and points of interest.
  • Minor Cards: These cards provide buffs and modifications to your character or the realm itself, like increased damage or rare loot chances.





Complete List of Biome Realm Cards in Nightingale

Realm Card How to Unlock
Desert Biome Craft at Enchanter's Focus
Forest Biome Craft at Enchanter's Focus
Swamp Biome Craft at Enchanter's Focus





 List of Major Realm Cards in Nightingale

Realm Card How to Unlock
Abeyance Major Unlocked after tutorial
Antiquarian Major Craft at Enchanter's Focus
Utopia Major Buy from Forest Antiquarian essence trader
Astrolabe Ascended Major Buy from ascended essence traders
Provisioner Ascended Major Buy from ascended essence traders
Hunt Ascended Major Buy from ascended essence traders
Gloom Ascended Major Buy from ascended essence traders
Herbarium Ascended Major Buy from ascended essence traders
Antiquarian Ascended Major Buy from The Watch Essence trader
Vault Major Buy from The Watch Essence trader





Complete List of Minor Realm Cards in Nightingale

Realm Card How to Unlock
Cleansing Minor Craft at Enchanter's Focus
Feast Minor Find in fae chests
Maleficiate Apogean Minor Find in fae chests or buy from essence trader
Amphibious Minor Find in fae chests or buy from essence trader
Dragon's Hoard Minor Buy from essence trader
Dragon's Hoard Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Duelist Minor Buy from essence trader
Estate Address Minor Buy from essence trader
Explorer Minor Buy from essence trader
Explorer Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Farm Minor Buy from essence trader
Forge Minor Buy from essence trader
Fortitude Minor Buy from essence trader
Ghost Minor Buy from essence trader
Greenhouse Minor Buy from essence trader
Harvester's Workshop Minor Buy from essence trader
Hearth Minor Buy from essence trader
Hunter Minor Buy from essence trader
Hunter Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Industry Minor Buy from essence trader
Lumber Mill Minor Buy from essence trader
Maleficiate Minor Buy from essence trader
Marksman Minor Buy from essence trader
Might Minor Buy from essence trader
Outlaw Minor Buy from essence trader
Quarry Minor Buy from essence trader
Settler Minor Buy from essence trader
Settler Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Tavern Minor Buy from essence trader
Tempest Minor Buy from essence trader
Tempest Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Thinned Veil Minor Buy from essence trader
Treasury Minor Buy from essence trader
Treasury Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Trickster Minor Buy from essence trader
Utopia Apogean Minor Buy from essence trader
Weighted Minor Buy from essence trader
Weighted Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Alchemist Minor Buy from essence trader
Angler Minor Buy from essence trader
Artisan Minor Buy from essence trader
Blood Moon Minor Buy from essence trader
Blood Moon Eminent Minor Buy from essence trader
Blunderbuss Minor Buy from essence trader
Bulwark's Workshop Minor Buy from essence trader
Combatant's Workshop Minor Buy from essence trader
Deep Fae Wilds Minor Buy from essence trader

Note: We will update the list with any missing cards. 




So explore realms thoroughly, complete NPC questlines, loot chests, and check essence trader inventories to collect all the incredible realm cards in Nightingale!

