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Apex Legends Removed Valkyrie From Three Strikes

Find out why Respawn removed Valkyrie from the Season 20 LTM Three Strikes and when she will return.

Apex Legends Removed Valkyrie From Three Strikes

Apex Legends just announced that players will not be able to pick Valkyrie in the Three Strikes game mode. This surprising news is going to disappoint a lot of players, as Valkyrie is currently the most-picked legend in the game with a 10.4% pick rate. Valkyrie was made free to play as of April 23 and will remain so until May 7, giving players the chance to play the legend until the end of Season 20. Although you can still play Valkyrie in other game modes, she cannot be picked in the LTM. Find out everything about Valkyrie's removal and when to expect her back.



Valkyrie Disabled in Three Strikes 

Apex Legends Removed Valkyrie From Three Strikes

With the release of the new Urban Assault Collection Event in Apex, the fan-favorite LTM Three Strikes returned to the game. Players were excited to compete in Three Strikes, especially with the new Apex Rumble Beta tournament system that ranks players based on their performance and grants rewards when it ends.

It's no surprise that Valkyrie was a top pick for the Three Strikes mode, given her popularity among players and her availability as a free-to-play legend. However, there seems to be a serious bug affecting gameplay when players use Valkyrie. Reports indicate that the bug occurs after Valkyrie uses her Ultimate, Skyward Dive, which teleports the enemy team to the middle of the map and respawns teammates in different areas. This significantly affects gameplay for both teammates and opponents of players who choose Valkyrie


Apex Legends Removed Valkyrie From Three Strikes

After learning about the crash caused by Valkyrie's Ult, Respawn quickly announced her removal from Three Strikes. It appears that the issue with Valkyrie is serious and difficult to resolve, leading Respawn to the decision to remove her completely. While it's unfortunate not to be able to pick her in the LTM while she's free-to-play, many agree that her absence from the game will contribute to fair competition without issues and bugs. It's unclear how long Valkyrie will be banned from Three Strikes and whether it's permanent. We await further developer updates on that.

Valkyrie's removal from Three Strikes is expected to change the legend picks for teams, as other characters will become more or less commonly chosen. Stay tuned for further updates and make sure to choose the best legends for your team to rank up in Three Strike
