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Assassin's Creed Mirage - How To Fast Travel

Learn how to reduce those tiresome journeys and travel quickly throughout the game.

Assassin's Creed Mirage - How To Fast Travel

Fed up with long trips in Baghdad's city and desert to get to shops and missions in Assassin’s Creed Mirage? Here's a simple guide on how to quickly move from one place to another in the game.


How to Fast Travel in Assassin’s Creed Mirage:

You can move quickly in two ways in the game

  • By using Viewpoints
  • By Assassin Bureaus.

But, to use these shortcuts, you first need to visit them. Just walking into an Assassin Bureau lets you use it as a shortcut later.


For Viewpoints, it's a bit more work. You have to climb to the top and do the "synchronize" action when asked.


Doing this not only shows you new areas on your map and gives you special things to find but also lets you use that Viewpoint to jump to later. To use these shortcuts, just click on their symbol on your map and choose the move quickly option.