Black Clover Mobile surprised us with the quick release of Season 3 and with it three new characters that we can test out and add to our teams. Out of these three characters we got 2 new Attackers and one new Supporter.
Clover Academy Charlotte is this new support and as such is bound to add something interesting to the game and its current roster.
Let’s dive in and learn everything there is about S3 Charlotte!
List of Contents:
Who is Clover Academy Charlotte
Clover Academy Charlotte Skills
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Gears
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Talents
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Skill Pages
Who is Clover Academy Charlotte

In the Black Clover anime Charlotte is the Captain of the [Blue Rose Knights] and is one of the recurring fan favorite characters.
In Black Clover M S3 Charlotte takes on the role of a Technique Support that focuses on giving buffs to her teammates.
The Support role in any game is always a desired role and Clover Academy Charlotte is no different, so keep scrolling to learn what’s the best way to build her so that you can get her ready for your teams.
Clover Academy Charlotte Skills
S3 Charlotte’s abilities work by giving the [Counterattack] buff to your allies and also increasing their damage.
She is an interesting character to build your teams around and can certainly boost the damage of your carries.
Here is the full breakdown of her skills.

S3 Charlotte Skills
Rapid Thorns
- Swiftly raises thorns from the ground, dealing damage to an enemy.
- Applies [Counterattack] to the ally with the highest ATK for 1 turn(s).
Preview & Review
- Charlotte assigns homework to all allies, granting them a buff.
- Grants all allies a 40% [Increased All ATK] for 2 turns.
Clover Academy Instructor's Skills
- Charlotte gives a passionate lecture to her students, granting all allies a buff.
- Grants all allies a 60% chance to [Counterattack] for 1 turn.
Combined Attack
- Applies a buff to all allies.
- Applies 12% [Fortify] to all allies.
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Gears
When it comes to S3 Charlotte’s best gears then survivability is the way to go.
Support characters shine when they are able to stay alive and continue giving teammates their buff and as such we believe that building Charlotte with a lot of survivability is the way to go.
Here is the full breakdown of the gears and stats we think are the best for her.

S3 Charlotte Gear Set
S3 Charlotte PvE Gear Sets:

- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: DEF/MATK

Speed Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY

HP Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY
S3 Charlotte PvP Gear Sets:

- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: DEF/MATK

Speed Set
- 4-Piece
- Main Stats: ANY
Sub Stats:
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Talents
Similar to the gears we think that S3 Charlotte’s talents should focus on raising her survivability and as such have picked the following ones and believe they are the best for her!

S3 Charlotte
Attack Talents:
- Increased MATK - [ATK] +7%
- Sharp Mind - [DMG Dealt] +5%
Defense Talents:
- Increased DEF - [DEF] +20%
- Endurance - Grants [DEF] +4% and [CRIT RES] +2% at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times.)
Support Talents:
- Swiftness - Grants a [SP+1] buff upon having less than 2 SP(s) at the start of a turn.
- Increased DMG RES - [DMG RES] +10%
Clover Academy Charlotte Best Skill Pages
Supporter characters in Black Clover M have a lot of great skill pages to choose from, and S3 Charlotte definitely benefits from this. Although her best Skill Page is certainly her Signature, Clover Academy Charlotte has access to other great skill pages which you can see below!

S3 Charlotte Skill Pages
Top SSR Picks

The Flower of the Faculty Room
- When attacked, there's a 20/100% chance to recover 1 Skill Point.

The Captain's Condemnation
- Upon using [Skill II,] grants the ally with the lowest HP [HP Recovery] equal to 6/10% of their maximum HP.

Moonlight Necklace
- Applies 40/80% [Increased DEF] and 6/10% [Increased Healing] to yourself.
Top SR Picks

Excited Nature
- Has a 25/50% chance of applying 10% [Increased Stamina] to yourself upon using [Skill II.]

When it comes to the Season 3 characters in Black Clover M there is no doubt that Clover Academy Charlotte is the best of the three.
Jack and Fuegoleon are certainly fun and interesting characters, however, the Attacker lineup in Black Clover M is already filled with other great and better units. And although the Supporter lineup isn’t lacking as well, supporters generally have more use in these types of games, so S3 Charlotte is certain to remain useful for way longer.
Her ability to apply [Counterattack] and increase the ATK of allies will be of great use in both PvE and PvP and she is overall a good unit to get and build!
If you’re hungry for more Black Clover M content and guides for some of your characters then use the links below to check out what we have for you!
- Black Clover M: S3 Jack Build Guide
- Black Clover M: S3 Fuegoleon Build Guide
- Black Clover M: Kiato Guide
- Black Clover M: Kahano Best Build Guide
- Black Clover M: Best Rades Guide
- Black Clover M: Fana Guide
- Black Clover M: Licht Guide
- Black Cover M: Julius Guide
- Black Clover M: Lotus Guide