Party Mimosa, or S7 Mimosa as most would call her, is one of the two new characters to join the Black Clover M roster in Season 7.
S7 Mimosa is the newest Healer character to join the game and is a good choice for your PvP teams.
In this guide we’ll cover everything you need to know about Party Mimosa, starting from her skills, best talents, best skill pages, and more.
Table of Contents
Party Mimosa Introduction

Party Mimosa is a Sense Healer that joined the game with Season 7 of the official Black Clover M release, and Season 9 in the Japanese and Korean versions.
As the meta stands right now, she can be considered one of the best Healers in the game, and similar to her S1 counterpart, S7 Mimoma’s kit focuses entirely on healing, while also having the amazing utility to both dispel and revive.
Her Unique Passive in turn is quite interesting as it gives all party members a 1-turn [Invulnerablity] buff, however, that is only if the whole team is made up of Sense characters. The [Invulnerablity] buff is certainly a powerful tool to have in PvP, however, having to set up a team of all Sense characters feels quite limiting and it should be worth considering whether you need this buff at the start or not.
All in all, Party Mimosa is a solid Healer for both PvE and PvP, with slightly more focus on PvP. Below you’ll see just how you can build her to get the most out of her.
Party Mimosa Skills

Flower Cradle Strike
- Petals imbued with magic power soar toward an enemy, dealing damage.
- Grants 15% of own Max HP as [HP Recovery] to the ally with the lowest HP ratio.
Shall We Dance?
- Requests a dance with a bright smile, granting an ally HP recovery.
- 40% chance to remove [HP Recovery Reduction] status from the ally.
- Grants the ally 100% of own Max HP as [HP Recovery].
- Dispel all DoT effects from the ally.
Welcome to the Party!
- Gets the party going, granting an ally HP recovery.
- [Ressurects] an ally at 60% of Max HP.
- Grants an ally [Status Ailment Removal].
Combined Attack
- Applies a buff to your partner.
- Grants the partnered mage a [SP +2] buff.
- 40% chance to grant the partnered mage an [SP+1] buff.
Party Mimosa Best Gears

HP Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP

Speed Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP

- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: HP
Sub Stats:
Party Mimosa Best Talents

- Increased MATK - [MATK] +7%
- Battle Frenzy - Grants 2.5% [Increased CRIT Rate] at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times)
- Increased MAX HP - [Max HP] +5%
- Endurance - Grants [DEF] +4% and [CRIT RES] +2% at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times.)
- Mage’s Blessing - 20% chance to grant a [Reduced Skill II’s Cooldown by 1 Turn] buff at the start of a turn.
- Increased DMG RES - [DMG RES] +10%
Party Mimosa Best Skill Pages

Party Flower
- 60/100% chance to grant all allies a 15/30% [Increased MATK] buff for 1 turn(s) upon using a skill.

Adventurer's Journal
- Applies 10/20% [Increased Max. HP] to yourself.

Meat Enthusiast
- Applies 7/15% [Increased Max. HP] to yourself.

S7 Mimosa is one of the better healers to come out ever since Swimsuit Charmy’s release, and she is also the only character in the game that can use [Resurrection] which is one powerful tool to turn the tables in a lot of PvE or PvP cases.
Her Signature Skill Page makes her even more powerful as it adds a nice [Def PEN] buff to her kit, which further increases her value in various content.
Although her Unique Passive is locked behind a nasty condition of having a full team of Sense Characters, you can certainly work around it, but some great Sense characters have come out during the life of the game, so making an All-Sense Team doesn’t seem too unreal by this point.
Overall, Party Mimosa is versatile and her healing abilities, coupled with her [Resurrection] utility are certain to find their place in many teams.