Black Clover M just launched its Season 2 on December 19th and with it the game is bound to get some new players interested, however, when there are gacha games, there are reroll guides. All new players will want to know what are the best units and banners to reroll on with the new season, but we’ve got you covered!
How to Reroll in Black Clover M

Although not the fastest, rerolling in Black Clover M is a bit easier than in some other games, but as already mentioned it takes a bit of time, around an hour for each reroll.
Rerolling in Black Clover M will help you boost your account with good units that will be viable for some time to come and will help you clear the earlier stages of the game, as well as even the hardest content, if you get the right characters that is. Let’s not waste any more time. Here is how you reroll in Black Clover M:
- Start the game
- Login as Guest
- Play the tutorial - You quickly unlock the Quest Tracker feature which will auto-path you to the next NPCs you need to talk to.
- NOTE: If you want to speed up the process skip most cutscenes - there will be a skip button in top right corner of the screen when it's possible to do,
- As you play the story you will reach the defeat the Bear stage in the forest and return to the Town. This will unlock Summoning.

- You will be made to do a tutorial 10-pull which is fixed and always gives you Charlotte.
- At this point the game will also give you 10 summon tickets in the mail.
- Continue playing through the story and clear Chapter 1 Episode 5. This unlocks the pre-register rewards (which will contain 20 pulls and some other goodies).
- It can take you about 30 minutes to reach this point.
- Continue playing through the story until you clear Chapter 1 Episode 11 you will unlock the 'Selective Summon'. You will be able to do twenty 10-pulls and keep one of them.
- It can take you roughly 50 minutes to reach this point.

- That’s it! If you got who you want, you can continue playing. If you didn't - use the Delete Account feature found in Settings and start again.

Characters to Reroll For
In the Selective Summon you should aim to get one of the following characters. Note that Lotus and Mars are definitely the best picks for this banner, so if you manage to get them alongside some other SSR then you are set!

Best Debuffer in the game as of right now. Almost a staple in any team and the best character to Reroll for. You will find it hard to replace him.

One of the best, if not, the best Defender in the game currently. Mars is alongside Lotus as one of the two best characters to reroll for.

William Vangeance
Great buffer and a good addition to any team. If you have not gotten the above two, or got William with some other SSRs you won't regret getting him.

Rades Spirito
He is the best shielder after Noelle (Summer). A good character to have in many teams.
What Banner to Pull on?

After you’re done with the Selective Summon you might want to pull on other banner, we get you.
For now, stay away from the Seasonal Banners, as you can get one of those characters for free using the Destiny Gate system. However, if you really want to pull on the Seasonal Banner, then we strongly suggest going for: Noelle (Summer)

Noelle (Summer)
Best Shielder in the game. Will be on any team for a really long time. Best charater to get from the Destiny Gate system in a Season 2.
You can look at the currently running limited banners and check our tier lists to see if the characters on there are good. If not, pulling on the Standard Banner is the best choice, as the units there are all great and will future-proof your account.
Rerolling is always a good way for those who want to get a head-start into gacha games, and Black Clover M has made it a breeze to reroll for those who want to do it, even making it so that those who don’t even plan to reroll might be tempted!
For more Black Clover M news and guides head on over to our site. We keep everything fresh and new so come back regularly!
- Black Clover M Tier List
- Black Clover M Best PvE Teams
- Black Clover M Best PvP Teams
- Black Clover M Codes