With the release of Season 2 in Black Clover M came a truly meta defining unit, and that was Swimsuit Noelle, or S2 Noelle for short. If you were lucky enough to get her, then she is definitely not going to be exciting your PvE or PvP teams any time soon. However, for her to become really strong you need to first know how to build her. This guide will show you just that!
List of Contents:
- Who is Swimsuit (S2) Noelle
- Swimsuit Noelle Skills
- Swimsuit Noelle Best Gears
- Swimsuit Noelle Best Talents
- Swimsuit Noelle Best Skill Pages
- Summary
Who is Swimsuit Noelle

Swimsuit Noelle is one of three new characters added with the release of Season 2 in Black Clover M. S2 Noelee is a Power type Attacker that tops the tier lists for both PvP and PvE, and is a need for most if not all accounts. Having her will definitely help you overcome some bottlenecks, reaching new stages to farm. This is how you build S2 Noelle.
Swimsuit Noelle Skills
Below you can see a full breakdown of the best S2 Noelle Skills:

S2 Noelle Skills
Aqua Wave
Uses fast currents to create clouds of spray, dealing damage to all enemies.
If you have a [Barrier], attacks after applying [Weapon Enhancement Lv. 1] to yourself.
If you have the [Blessing of Water], attacks after applying [Weapon Enhancement Lv. 2] to yourself.
Skill Healing
Grants all allies a buff using Water Magic.
Grants a designated ally [Blessing of Water] equal to 120% M. ATK for 2 turn(s).
Grants all allies an [Barrier] equal to 100% M. ATK for 2 turn(s).
Grants all allies 10% [Increased Favored DMG] for 2 turn(s).
You Started It!
- Summons a massive water drop that engulfs all enemies, dealing damage.
- Applies [Increased M. ATK Lv. 2] to yourself and then attacks.
- Grants yourself [Increased M. ATK Lv. 2] for 2 turn(s).
Combined Attack
Performs a combined attack with your partner, dealing damage to all enemies.
If you have a [Buff], attacks after applying 15% [Increased DMG] to yourself.
Swimsuit Noelle Best Gears
Swimsuit Noelle does the best when using three different sets of gear and trying to get their 2-Piece effects, those three sets are:

S2 Noelle Gear Sets
Swimsuit Noelle's best three 2-piece sets are:

Attack Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: MATK

Speed Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: MATK

Crit DMG Set
- 2-Piece
- Main Stats: MATK
You should look for the following Substats:
Swimsuit Noelle Best Talents
For S2 Noelle’s talents you would want to go for the following to optimize her potential:

S2 Noelle Talents
Attack Talents:
- Increased MATK - [MATK] +7%
- Battle Frenzy - Grants 2.5% [Increased CRIT Rate] at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times)
Defense Talents:
- Increased DEF - [DEF] +20%
- Endurance - Grants [DEF] +4% and [CRIT RES] +2% at the start of a wave. (Stacks up to 5 times.)
Support Talents:
- Mage’s Blessing - 20% chance to grant a [Reduced Skill II’s Cooldown by 1 Turn] buff at the start of a turn.
- Increased DMG RES - [DMG RES] +10%
Swimsuit Noelles Best Skill Pages
Here you can see the Best Skill Pages for S2 Noelle:

S2 Noelle Skill Pages
Swimsuit Noelle has some great choices for players to pick, and although some might be surprised, her signature is not her best pick at all. Below you can see all the viable Skill Pages available for her and choose from which you have and based on the situation:
Top SSR Picks

The Captain's Dignity
- Applies 2.5/4.5% [Increased CRIT] at the end of an ally's turn. (Stacks up to 5 times)

Ready for Summer
- Upon being attacked, has a 20/35% chance to grant an [Barrier] equal to 5/10% of DMG taken for 2 turn(s).

Breath of Darkness
- Applies 10/20% [Increased All ATK] to yourself.
Top SR Picks

Sea Serpent's Pride
- Applies 7/15% [Increased CRIT Rate] to yourself.

Mysterious Ancient Book
- Applies 7/12% [Increased Damage] to yourself.
Using the tips and information we’ve given you in this Guide should help you get your Swimsuit Noelle up to speed, allowing you to use her in any team so that you can further strengthen your Black Clover M account!
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