CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

This guide will show you some of the best teams for beginners in CookieRun: Tower of Adventures.

CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

CookieRun Tower of Adventures has you fighting through various stages and modes with the help of a team of three cookies.

Setting up a well-balanced team will help you clear almost any content in the game, and it is important that you know which Cookies to pick for that team.

In this guide, we’ll show you some of the teams for beginners so that you can easily blow through the content and progress your account. These teams will be based on the 3 Epic Cookies that you can get from the beginner banner, so no matter which one you’ve got, we have you covered.

Table of Contents

Fire Team

CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

If you ended up getting Chili Pepper Cookie from the beginner gacha, then the best fire team that you can use with her for the early parts of the game is:

  • Chili Pepper Cookie
  • Chamomile Cookie
  • Cherry Cookie

You should already have all three of these cookies, so setting up the team shouldn’t be hard at all. And if you’ve had the luck of getting Crushed Pepper Cookie, then you can swap Cherry Cookie for him.



Dark Team

CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

If you’ve gotten Dark Choco Cookie, then the best dark team that you can set up around him is:

  • Dark Choco Cookie
  • Chamomile Cookie
  • Alchemist Cookie

With a good combo of a Support and Dark Tagger cookie, you will be able to dish out a ton of damage with Dark Choco and breeze through the early game content.



Wind Team

CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

Finally, if you’ve gotten Rye Cookie, then the best wind team you can set up with her is:

  • Rye Cookie
  • Chamomile Cookie
  • Ninja Cookie

As before, Chamomile Cookie is once again here, but unlike the other teams, she fits here perfectly due to her element. Ninja Cookie is a good F2P alternative for a Tagger Cookie, but if you do end up getting Plantain Cookie, then he’s definitely a way better match and will increase your damage further.




CookieRun Tower of Adventures: The Best Teams for Beginners

As you can see, all of the teams above consist of the following:

  • DPS
  • Support
  • Tagger

This team setup will usually get you through most modes and is the most balanced setup as of right now.

You can further experiment with having two Tagger cookies or two support cookies to try and increase your DPS’ damage further, but for new players, having one of each will do you wonders!

Additionally, if you’ve gotten lucky and gotten Cream Soda Cookie, a good team for her is:

  • Cream Soda Cookie
  • Chamomile Cookie
  • Gumball Cookie

This team once again follows the setup above and is currently one of the better teams in the game, thanks to just how powerful Cream Soda Cookie is.

We will keep you updated with more information about the game in the future, so make sure to check back often!
