Counter-Strike 2: All Maps CS:GO Maps That Make a Return

CS2 is officially out with map revamps being categorized as Touchstone, Upgrades and Overhauls.


Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) has brought about significant changes that have transformed the core gameplay of CS:GO. These changes touch upon various aspects, including smoke physics, server tick rates, and most notably, map enhancements. In this article, we'll explore the evolution of Counter-Strike's iconic maps in CS2, categorized into Touchstone, Upgrades, and Overhauls.

Touchstone Maps: A Nostalgic Glimpse

Touchstone maps are the bedrock of Counter-Strike's history, having stood the test of time. While making their return in CS2, these maps remain relatively unchanged. The updates primarily focus on visual enhancements and improved lighting, preserving their classic essence.

  • Dust II
  • Mirage
  • Train

Upgrades: Bringing Maps to Life

CS:GO maps that make their way to CS2 receive substantial upgrades, capitalizing on the enhanced graphics capabilities of Source 2. These updates breathe new life into familiar battlegrounds, with improvements in lighting and textures.

  • Nuke
  • Ancient

Overhauls: A Fresh Start

In CS2, Overhaul maps undergo a complete transformation. Whether they hail from CS:GO or even earlier iterations, these maps receive extensive updates. Expect new textures, revamped lighting, structural changes, and even potential alterations to gameplay dynamics.

  • Italy
  • Overpass

The CS2 Map Roster

Here's a comprehensive list of maps confirmed for Counter-Strike 2:

Active Duty Pool:

  • Dust II
  • Mirage
  • Train
  • Nuke
  • Overpass
  • Inferno
  • Ancient
  • Vertigo
  • Anubis

Deathmatch, Hostage, and Bomb Defusal Maps:

  • Italy
  • Baggage
  • Shoots
  • Office
  • Canals
  • Lake
  • Shortdust

Maps in the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test:

  • Dust II
  • Mirage
  • Overpass
  • Nuke
  • Ancient

Active Duty Pool Transition

Maps featured in the Active Duty Pool are those that have graced competitive queues and CS:GO tournaments over time. While some have transitioned to the Reserve Pool, others remain in the spotlight.

Notable Omissions

Among the maps that were once part of the Active Duty Pool, Cache and Anubis are notably absent in the CS2 lineup. The fate of Cache in CS2 remains uncertain, but considering that Anubis is a recent addition to the Active Duty Pool, its inclusion seems highly likely.

Counter-Strike 2 has breathed new life into these iconic maps, offering players a fresh gaming experience while paying homage to the game's rich history.