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Counter-Strike 2 Pro Player NiKo Settings

Here are the CS2 settings for G2.NiKo, one of the best players in the world.

Counter-Strike 2 Pro Player NiKo Settings
Bart Oerbekke / ESL Gaming GmbH / Valve

In the fast-paced world of professional Counter-Strike, not many players are able to stay at the top for a long time. Nikola "NiKo" Kovač, is one of the players who managed to defy these expectations. He currently plays for G2 Esports as a rifler and is widely recognized as one of the best players in the world. NiKo is known for his impressive stats and jaw-dropping plays, winning multiple MVP awards. 

This article dives into the settings NiKo uses in Counter-Strike 2. Keep in mind that copying these settings won't make you a top player overnight, but understanding and adjusting them for yourself can certainly be helpful. Here are the CS2 settings NiKo relies on:



NiKo's Crosshair Settings for CS2

The best way to try out Niko's crosshair settings it to take this code and paste it into your in-game settings for Counter-Strike 2:


G2.NiKo's Counter-Strike 2 Settings
Helena Kristiansson / ESL Gaming GmbH



NiKo's In-game Settings for CS2:

These are NiKo's Counter-Strike 2 settings:

Settings Value
Mouse Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2 Black
DPI 400
Sensitivity 1.48
eDPI 592
Zoom Sensitivity 1
Hz 2000
Windows Sensitivity 6
Viewmodel FOV: 68, Offset X: 2.5, Offset Y: 0, Offset Z: -1.5, Presetpos: 3
Launch Options -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 360 -console -novid -tickrate 128
Video Settings
Resolution 1280x960
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Scaling Mode Stretched
Brightness 130%
Display Mode Fullscreen
Advanced Video Settings
Boost Player Contrast Enabled
Wait for Vertical Sync Disabled
Multisampling AA Mode 8x MSAA
Global Shadow Quality High
Model/Texture Detail Low
Texture Filtering Mode Anisotropic 8x
Shader Detail Low



Those are all of Niko's Counter-Strike 2 settings. We don't recommend you use the exact settings shown in this article, but they are a good way to adjust and find something that suits you.

If you are interested in other pro player settings or general gaming news, check out our other resources on this website!
