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Current League of Legends Skin Sale (June 17th - June 24th)

Here are all the skins LoL players can buy skins on discounted prices this week!

Current League of Legends Skin Sale (June 17th - June 24th)
Riot Games

Let's take a look at the latest skin discounts in League of Legends! The weekly Sale Rotation offers LoL players the opportunity to purchase their favorite champion skins at reduced prices. From June 17th to June 24th, you can enjoy discounts of up to 60% on cosmetics for champions like Seraphine, Jhin, Shen, Ekko, and more. Let’s explore the fantastic deals awaiting players in the world of League of Legends cosmetics.



Current LoL Skin Sale (June 17 - June 24)

Current LoL Skin Sale June 17 - June 24
Riot Games

The current skin sale will last from June 17 to June 24, giving LoL players a week to buy any discounted skins they like. The current prices vary from 390 RP to 975 RP. Here's a sneak peek at all the skins featured in this sale:

Skin Price
Iron Solari Leona 585 RP
Arcama Xerath 810 RP
Steel Dragon Thresh 810 RP
Papercraft Anivia 810 RP
Marauder Xin Zhao 877 RP
Primal Ambush Sivir 975 RP
Ocean Song Seraphine 742 RP
Spirit Blossom Lillia 607 RP
Urfrider Corki 487 RP
High Noon Twisted Fate 390 RP
PROJECT: Lucian 540 RP
Surgeon Shen 390 RP
Sandstorm Ekko 585 RP
Arclight Yorick 944 RP
PROJECT: Jhin 540 RP

Stay tuned for more updates on the latest skin discounts in LoL! Check back regularly for the best deals on your favorite champion skins. The next rotation will be after a week, on June 24th.
