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Diablo 4 Season 4: List of All Sorcerer Temper Manuals & Affixes

Here are all of the Temper Manuals and affixes that are available to the Sorcerer in Diablo 4 Season 4!

Diablo 4 Season 4: List of All Sorcerer Temper Manuals & Affixes
Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 Season 4 is the perfect time to jump back into the world of Sanctuary, as most of the core systems in the game have been updated or entirely reworked. There are many new ways to progress and test the build of your character, with the new level 200 Tormented bosses and the Pit of the Artificer dungeon being added to the game. While all of this sounds great, the biggest change by far is the rework to the itemization system, with two new crafting systems being added, allowing you to add unique affixes to your items while also improving them gradually over time. These affixes can be learned by using the new Temper Manual items, which can randomly drop in the world from monsters and chests.

The Sorcerer has greatly benefitted from the new Tempering system, with many new builds and enhancements to existing builds being supported by the new affixes. In this article, we are going to list all of the different Temper Manuals that you can find in Season 4, as well as the affixes that can be learned by using them.

Table of Contents
Weapon Offensive Defensive
Utility Mobility Resource
Diablo 4 Season 4 Tempering Guide Sorcerer
Blizzard Entertainment



What Are Temper Manuals in Diablo 4 Season 4?

Temper Manuals are items that can drop from any type of content in Diablo 4 and can be used to unlock recipes for adding new affixes to your items. Each Temper Manual unlocks certain affixes, and once you use it, you will be able to apply those affixes to your items at the Blacksmith. There are six types of Temper Manuals for each class, including Offensive, Defensive, Utility, Mobility, Weapons, and Resource, and each of these categories’ affixes can only be applied to certain types of items.

As an example, if you are playing a Barbarian, you might come across the Demolition Finesse Temper Manual. Once you learn this Manual, you will have permanent access to the following Tempering affixes at the Blacksmith:

  • +[144.5 - 185.0]% Kick Damage
  • +[72.5 - 95.0]% Charge Damage
  • +[82.5 - 105.0]% Death Blow Damage
  • +[114.0 - 150.0]% Damage while Iron Maelstrom is Active

As this is an Offensive Temper Manual, you will only be able to apply these affixes to your Weapons, Gloves, Rings, and Amulets. Each Temper Manual has a rarity based on the World Tier it dropped in, with the final Legendary versions dropping in World Tier 4. For more information on the actual process of Tempering your items, refer to our guide here.

Diablo 4 Sorcerer Temper Manuals Guide
Blizzard Entertainment



Diablo 4 Season 4: List of All Sorcerer Temper Manuals & Affixes

The Sorcerer currently has 22 Temper Manuals available to them, with each of them having between 3 and 6 different affixes. Here is the full list of Sorcerer Temper Manuals as well as their affixes, separated into each of the different categories:

Sorcerer Weapon Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Weapons:

Temper Affixes
Frost Augments
  • +[23.5 - 32.5]% Chance for Frost Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Ice Shards Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[18.5 - 27.5]% Blizzard Size
Pyromancy Augments
  • +[23.5 - 32.5]% Chance for Fire Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Fireball Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Incinerate Size
  • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Meteor Size
  • +[18.5 - 27.5]% Firewall Size
Shock Augments
  • +[23.5 - 32.5]% Chance for Spark Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Chain Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Charged Bolts Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance for Ball Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Teleport Nova Size
Elemental Surge
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Physical Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Fire Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Lightning Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Cold Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Poison Damage
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +[2,000 - 4,000] Shadow Damage



Sorcerer Offensive Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Amulets, Weapons, Gloves, and Rings:

Temper Affixes
Conjuration Finesse
  • +[72.5 - 95.0]% Conjuration Damage
  • +[98.0 - 125.0]% Hydra Damage
  • +[98.0 - 125.0]% Ice Blades Damage
  • +[98.0 - 125.0]% Lightning Spear Damage
Frost Finesse
  • +[41.5 - 55.0]% Cold Damage
  • +[41.5 - 55.0]% Vulnerable Damage
  • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Damage to Frozen Enemies
  • +[72.5 - 95.0]% Blizzard Damage
  • +[82.5 - 105.0]% Ice Spike Damage
Pyromancy Finesse
  • +[41.5 - 55.0]% Fire Damage
  • +[57.0 - 75.0]% Fire Damage Over Time
  • +[9.0 - 11.0]% Pyromancy Attack Speed
  • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Pyromancy Critical Strike Damage
  • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Mastery Damage
Shock Finesse
  • +[41.5 - 55.0]% Lightning Damage
  • +[4.0 - 6.0]% Shock Critical Strike Chance
  • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Shock Critical Strike Damage
  • +[155.0 - 200.0]% Teleport Damage
  • +[82.5 - 105.0]% Crackling Energy Damage
Natural Finesse
  • +[31.5 - 45.0]% Damage
  • +[47.0 - 65.0]% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
  • +[62.5 - 85.0]% Damage to Close Enemies
  • +[88.0 - 115.0]% Damage to Distant Enemies



Sorcerer Defensive Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Helms, Chest Armor, Legs, and Amulets:

Temper Affixes
Frost Cage
  • [15.5 - 20.0]% Frost Nova Cooldown Reduction
  • +[21.0 - 30.0]% Chill Slow Potency
  • +[1 - 2] to Cold Front
Pyromancy Endurance
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +[873 - 1,175] Life
  • +[10.5 - 15.0]% Flame Shield Duration
  • +[1 - 2] to Warmth
Natural Resistance
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Fire Resistance
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Lightning Resistance
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Cold Resistance
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Poison Resistance
  • +[36.5 - 50.0]% Shadow Resistance
Worldly Endurance
  • +[353 - 504] Maximum Life
  • +[10.5 - 15.0]% Total Armor
  • [5.0 - 7.0]% Dodge Chance



Sorcerer Utility Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Helms, Chest Armor, Legs, Amulets, Gloves, and Boots:

Temper Affixes
Sorcerer Control
  • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Immobilize Duration
  • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Stun Duration
  • +[16.0 - 25.0]% Freeze Duration
  • +[26.5 - 40.0]% Frost Nova Size
Worldly Fortune
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +[21.0 - 30.0]% Chance to Slow for 2 Seconds
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.5 - 22.5]% Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a +[13.0 - 17.5]% Chance to Freeze for 2 Seconds
Natural Schemes
  • +[537 - 840] Thorns
  • +[13.0 - 17.5]% Crowd Control Duration
  • +[8.0 - 12.5]% Barrier Generation



Sorcerer Mobility Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Boots and Amulets:

Temper Affixes
Sorcerer Motion
  • +[8.0 - 12.5]% Movement Speed
  • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
  • [8.0 - 10.0]% Teleport Cooldown Reduction
Natural Motion
  • +[8.0 - 12.5]% Movement Speed
  • +[13.5 - 22.5]% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
  • [6.0 - 8.0]% Mobility Cooldown Reduction
  • [13.0 - 17.5]% Evade Cooldown Reduction



Sorcerer Resource Tempers & Affixes

These Tempers can only be applied to Amulets and Rings:

Temper Affixes
Ultimate Efficiency - Source
  • Casting Ultimate Skills Restores +[36 - 45] Primary Resource
  • [8.0 - 12.5]% Deep Freeze Cooldown Reduction
  • [13.5 - 22.5]% Inferno Cooldown Reduction
  • [10.5 - 15.0]% Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction
Sorcerer Stability
  • +[1 - 2] to Invigorating Conduit
  • +[1 - 2] to Frigid Breeze
  • +[1 - 2] to Fiery Surge
Conjuration Efficiency
  • [23.5 - 32.5]% Hydra Resource Cost Reduction
  • [8.0 - 12.5]% Ice Blades Cooldown Reduction
  • [8.0 - 12.5]% Lightning Spear Cooldown Reduction
Worldly Stability
  • [8.0 - 12.5]% Resource Generation
  • [8.0 - 10.0]% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore +[10.5 - 15.0]% Primary Resource

That concludes the full list of Sorcerer Temper Manuals, as well as the different affixes you will be able to use at the Blacksmith once you find them. With so many options available, there are a lot of opportunities for new builds to be created, while also adding some extra support to the already existing ones in the game. Hopefully, this guide has helped you, and if you are interested in more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our guides on the website!
