Does Last Epoch Have Co-op or Multiplayer?

Are you wondering if you can play Last Epoch with your friends? In this article, we will go over all of the multiplayer options in the game!

Does Last Epoch Have Co-op or Multiplayer?
Eleventh Hour Games

After years of Early Access, Last Epoch has finally been released, and fans of the action RPG genre can't wait to see how it stacks up against the many iconic titles that have launched in the past decade. The 1.0 version of the game has brought many improvements, including brand new animations, lighting, and the two missing masteries - the Falconer and the Warlock. With 5 classes, 15 masteries, and over 120 skill trees, the replayability of Last Epoch is second to none.

One of the most important questions in any new game is whether or not you can play together with your friends. Let's take a look at Last Epoch's multiplayer options and see if it's possible for players to join forces and go up against the many enemy factions in the world of Eterra.

Last Epoch Multiplayer
Eleventh Hour Games



Does Last Epoch Have Co-op or Multiplayer?

Last Epoch officially added multiplayer on March 9th, 2023, with their 0.9 update during Early Access. The game allows for parties of up to 4 players, who can join together and play through both the campaign, as well as the many endgame activities that have been added to the game. You will also be able to trade your items with your friends, provided you have spent enough time slaying enemies together. There are a few restrictions depending on the type of game modes you have selected when creating your characters:

  • Softcore characters will only be able to party with other Softcore characters.
  • Hardcore characters will only be able to party with other Hardcore characters.
  • All of the Self-Found modes are unable to join forces with other characters.
Last Epoch Co-op
Eleventh Hour Games



Softcore players will be able to revive their friends and teleport back to other party members in most activities. Enemies' health values will scale depending on your party size, while their damage will remain the same. Keep in mind that the game is primarily designed to be played in single-player, so most of these systems are trying to keep the economy of the game fair.

That is everything you need to know about Last Epoch's multiplayer options. The game does have a fully functioning multiplayer system, allowing you to play and grind together with your friends. Hopefully, this guide has helped you, and if you are interested in more Last Epoch content, our website will be pumping out a lot of guides in the following days!
