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Does Manor Lords Have Any Console Commands?

Do cheats work in Manor Lords? Here is what you need to know!

Does Manor Lords Have Any Console Commands?
Slavic Magic

After 7 years of development, Manor Lords has finally arrived and has been a huge overnight success, with more than a million copies sold shortly after its release. The game is a medieval city-builder that focuses on gathering resources, expanding your settlements, and dealing with the different seasons, weather effects, and enemy Lords who will try to claim your lands for their own. Manor Lords is also endlessly customizable, allowing you to pick your own portrait, name, and Coat of Arms logo for your town, as well as options to express yourself in your military units.

With so much customization possible, some players might be wondering if they can use console commands or cheats to further modify their game. In this article, we are going to go over if this is possible and if so, how you can do it.

Manor Lords Console Commands
Slavic Magic



Manor Lords Console Commands

At this point in the early access stage of Manor Lords, there are no console commands or built-in cheats that you can use to customize or modify your game. There is no word on whether or not console commands are in the future pipeline for the developer to add, but it's unlikely based on all of the different features he is currently working on. The game is expected to stay in its early access stage for at least one more year so there's no telling when this type of feature is going to be implemented into the game.

The only way to modify your game at this point is by using the popular WeMod app, which offers a certain amount of tools that you can play around with for all of its supported games. There are currently more than a dozen mods in the app, including things like being able to edit your treasury, increase the amount of food you have, as well as killing enemy units. If you are not interested in downloading an app in order to modify your game, you are going to have to wait for the developer to implement this feature in the future.

Manor Lords Console Commands
Slavic Magic

That is everything you need to know about whether or not Manor Lords has built-in console commands or cheats. If the developer adds this feature in the future, we will make sure to keep you up-to-date so you can further customize your experience in one of the most immersive city-builders of the last decade. If you are interested in more Manor Lords news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!
