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Dota 2 Patch 7.34c: Gyrocopter and Earthshaker Take a Hit as TI 12 Nears

Valve surprised everyone with a weekend update, releasing Dota 2 Patch 7.34c on September 9th. This patch brings a bunch of changes to heroes, items, and fixes some pesky bugs.


As we get closer to The International (TI) 12, the game's competitive scene is settling down after the big changes in Patch 7.34. While this might not be the final update before TI 12, there aren't many events left before the tournament in Seattle, USA. So, professional players are likely to adapt to these changes before heading to the Climate Pledge Arena.

What's New in Dota 2 Patch 7.34c?

Dota 2 hero clinkz

Balancing Emerging Heroes from Patch 7.34

In the lead-up to TI, we often see certain heroes becoming more popular in the professional scene. One hero that has risen to prominence is Earthshaker. After a less-than-stellar win rate in Patch 7.33, Earthshaker has climbed the ranks and become one of the top five most-picked heroes, according to the stats on Dotabuff.

Interestingly, this resurgence was fueled by significant buffs in Patch 7.34b, allowing Earthshaker to flex into the midlane. His Enchant Totem ability, combined with a level 15 Talent that boosted its damage, made him a formidable midlaner. However, in this new patch, the Talent has been moved to level 20, which likely puts an end to his midlane dominance. Changes to his damage bonus Talent at level 10 and an increase in mana cost for the ability also hit his damage output and laning phase. Nevertheless, we expect him to remain a solid support pick in the professional meta before TI.

Gyrocopter is another hero facing nerfs. He received buffs in Patch 7.34, especially to his Flak Cannon ability, which led to a staggering 53.21 percent win rate and made him the second-most picked hero in the last-chance qualifiers for TI 12. However, Valve has decided to rein him in by significantly increasing the cooldown of Flak Cannon from 18 seconds to 26 seconds at level one, with a two-second increase at max level. Additionally, the talents related to Flak Cannon have been altered, with bonus attacks delayed until later in the game, and the damage bonus (available at level 15) nearly halved. Gyro fans hoping to see him at TI 12 might have reason to worry now.

Valve didn't spare Nature's Prophet (with a major nerf to base Agility and reduced healing from Sprout trees) and Earth Spirit (receiving Intelligence nerfs and Rolling Boulder adjustments). Both heroes have been crucial in high-ranked games, especially Prophet, who has been a top choice in Patch 7.34. We'll have to see if these nerfs are enough to shake up the meta.

Nyx Assassin dota 2

Omniknight, Clinkz, and Nyx Assassin Players, Rejoice!

Valve has also dished out some buffs to balance the nerfs.

Omniknight has received a much-needed boost to his Repel ability. After returning in Patch 7.34b but not quite living up to its former glory, Repel now has a shorter cooldown and is easier on mana costs. This means we'll likely see more of Purist Thunderwrath and perhaps fewer Black King Bars in play.

Clinkz has slowly been gaining ground after a tough period in Patch 7.33 as players adapted to changes in his kit. In Patch 7.34c, he gets a significant damage boost for his Skeleton Warrior and his allies. Increased attack speed and Burning Barrage damage should make Clinkz and his archer army more formidable.

Dazzle (with the removal of Bad Juju's increased health cost after level one) and Nyx Assassin also benefited from buffs. Nyx, in particular, is worth keeping an eye on. Mind Flare now deals more damage to Intelligence-based heroes at earlier levels, and Vendetta is easier to land and quicker to activate, leading to faster Impale follow-ups.

Here are all of the patch notes:

Item Updates:

  • Solar Crest: Shine Movement Speed Change reduced from 18% to 15%.

Neutral Item Updates:

  • Arcane Ring: Intelligence bonus decreased from +8 to +7.
  • Occult Bracelet: Rites of Eloshar Stack Duration reduced from 10s to 5s.
  • Spark of Courage: Courage Damage bonus reduced from +18 to +16.
  • Vambrace: Other Attributes bonus reduced from +4 to +2.

Hero Updates:


  • Mist Coil: Cast Range increased from 600 to 600/625/650/675.
  • Curse of Avernus: Curse Attack Speed increased from 40/60/80/100 to 60/80/100/120.
  • Talents:
    • Level 20 Talent Borrowed Time Immolation DPS increased from 85 to 95.

Arc Warden:

  • Spark Wraith: Tempest Damage increased from 75/135/195/255 to 75/140/205/270.
  • Tempest Double: The Double now always spawns with full health and mana.


  • Berserker’s Call: Radius increased to 315 from 300.
  • Culling Blade: Damage increased from 250/350/450 to 275/375/475.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent Berserker’s Call Armor increased from plus eight to +10.


  • Base damage increased by two.
  • Enfeeble: Mana cost decreased to 120 at all levels.


  • Call of the Wild Hawk:
    • Mana Cost increased from 30 to 50.
    • Hawk base health decreased from 250/375/500/675 to 200/325/450/625.
  • Drums of Slom: No longer considers illusion damage amplification when calculating the healing amount.

Bounty Hunter:

  • Shuriken Toss: Damage increased from 100/140/180/220 to 100/150/200/250.
  • Shadow Walk: Mana Cost decreased from 65 to 55.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Damage taken in Shadow Walk increased from -25 percent to -30 percent.


  • Cinder Brew: Cooldown increased from 20/17/14/11 seconds to 22/19/16/13 seconds.


  • Base damage increased by three.


  • Spawn Spiderlings: Spiderling base attack time improved from 1.35 seconds to 1.2 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Spiderlings health increased from +130 to +150.

Centaur Warrunner:

  • Base movement speed increased from 300 to 310.
  • Stampede: Cooldown decreased from 100 seconds to 90 seconds.
  • Work Horse: Cooldown decreased from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.


  • Strafe: Burning Skeleton Archers' attack speed bonus from Strafe increased from 50 percent to 50/55/60/65 percent.
  • Burning Barrage: Damage per arrow increased from 65 percent to 75 percent.
  • Talents:
    • Level 20 Talent Death Pact health increased from +250 to +300.

Crystal Maiden:

  • Base Armor increased by one.
  • Base Intelligence increased by two.

Dark Seer:

  • Vacuum: Damage decreased from 100/150/200/250 to 70/130/190/250.
  • Surge: Cooldown increased from 21/17/13/9 seconds to 24/19/14/9 seconds.


  • Base movement speed decreased from 310 to 300.
  • Base Strength decreased from 27 to 25.


  • Intelligence gain increased from 2.5 to 2.8.
  • Bad Juju: Health cost decreased from 75/100/125 to 75 at all levels.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Attack Speed increased from +60 to +80.


  • Devour: Cooldown and Duration increased from 65 seconds to 70 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 20 Talent Scorched Earth cooldown reduction decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.

Earth Spirit:

  • Base Intelligence decreased from 20 to 18.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent Rolling Boulder distance decreased from +325 to +200.
    • Level 15 Talent Rolling Boulder damage decreased from +120 to +110.


  • Enchant Totem: Mana cost increased from 35/40/45/50 to 45/50/55/60.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent base damage decreased from +40 to +30.
    • Level 15 Talent +50 percent Enchant Totem damage replaced with +200 Fissure range.
    • Level 20 Talent +300 Fissure range replaced with +50 percent Enchant Totem damage.

Ember Spirit:

  • Base health regen decreased from 1.25 to 0.5.
  • Sleight Of Fist: Mana Cost increased from 50 to 60.


  • Agility gain decreased from 3.3 to 3.1.
  • Homing Missile: Stun duration decreased from 1.55/1.9/2.25/2.6 seconds to 1.3/1.7/2.1/2.5 seconds.
  • Flak Cannon: Cooldown increased from 18 seconds to 26/24/22/20 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent health decreased from +200 to +175.
    • Level 15 Talent plus three Flak Cannon attacks replaced with +25 Flak Cannon damage.
    • Level 20 Talent +40 Flak Cannon damage replaced with plus-three Flak Cannon Attacks.
    • Level 25 Talent Flak Cannon cooldown reduction decreased from six seconds to five seconds.


  • Bushwhack: Stun duration increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds.
  • Sharpshooter: Mana Cost decreased from 125/175/225 to 100/150/200.


  • Base health regen decreased from 1.5 to one.
  • Wex: Move speed per instance decreased from 0.8 percent per level to 0.6 percent per level.
  • Tornado: Base damage decreased from 70 to 50.
  • E.M.P.:
    • Aghanim’s Shard pull linger duration decreased from 0.5 seconds to immediate.
    • Aghanim’s Shard pull will no longer affect units that become debuff-immune after the E.M.P. has been created.


  • Dual Breath: Mana cost decreased from 140/150/160/170 to 125/140/155/170.
  • Liquid Fire: Burn damage increased from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50.

Legion Commander:

  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Overwhelming Odds damage per hero decreased from +50 to +40.
    • Level 20 Talent Moment of Courage proc chance decreased from +12 percent to +10 percent.


  • Hex: Cast range decreased from 625 to 550/575/600/625.

Lone Druid:

  • Base armor increased by two.
  • Spirit Link: Attack speed increased from 16/32/48/64 to 20/35/50/65.


  • Base attack range increased from 150 to 200.
  • Reverse Polarity: Pull radius increased from 410 to 430.


  • Turn rate improved from 0.7 to 0.9.
  • Megameepo: No longer gets canceled if Meepo is banished, hidden, or becomes Untargetable.


  • Dead Shot: Damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 100/175/250/325.
  • Pierce The Veil: Bonus attack damage increased from 50/100/150 to 70/110/150.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Dead Shot cast range increased from +250 to +350.

Naga Siren:

  • Base health regen decreased from 1.25 to one.
  • Mirror Image: Mana cost increased from 70/85/100/115 to 75/90/105/120.

Nature’s Prophet:

  • Base agility decreased from 20 to 14.
  • Sprout:
    • Added visual effects for the damage area.
    • Trees created by Sprout now provide regular healing when consumed with a Tango.


  • Base armor increased by one.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Death Pulse heal increased from +30 to +40.

Nyx Assassin:

  • Mind Flare: Intelligence multiplier increased from two/three/four/five times to 3.5/four/4.5/five times.
  • Spiked Carapace: Cooldown decreased from 26/20/14/8 seconds to 23/18/13/8 seconds.
  • Vendetta:
    • Now also increases attack range by 75.
    • Attack animation speed increased from 50 percent to 70 percent.

Ogre Magi:

  • Base health regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5.
  • Bloodlust: Mana cost rescaled from 50/55/60/65 to 40/50/60/70.
  • Fire Shield: Cooldown decreased from 16 seconds to 15 seconds.


  • Repel:
    • Mana cost decreased from 95/105/115/125 to 80/95/110/125.
    • Cooldown decreased from 60/52/44/36 seconds to 45/40/35/30 seconds.
  • Hammer Of Purity: Mana cost rescaled from 40/45/50/55 to 30/40/50/60.


  • Roll Up: Cooldown Increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent Swashbuckle Slash range decreased from +350 to +250.


  • Fire Spirits: Attack speed slow decreased from 80/100/120/140 to 65/90/115/140.

Primal Beast:

  • Onslaught: Damage decreased from 95/190/285/380 to 90/180/270/360.
  • Uproar: No longer counts damage from Roshan.


  • Base Intelligence increased from 24 to 26.
  • Decrepify: Ally heal amplification increased from five/10/15/20 percent to 10/15/20/25 percent.
  • Life Drain: Mana cost decreased from 125/175/225 to 100/150/200.


  • Tricks Of The Trade: Agility bonus increased from 55/70/85/100 percent to 70/80/90/100 percent.
  • Cloak And Dagger: Agility damage multiplier decreased from one/1.4/1.8 to 0.8/1.2/1.6.


  • Fade Bolt: Damage reduction decreased from 14/21/28/35 percent to five/15/25/35 percent.

Sand King:

  • Base armor increased by one.
  • Burrowstrike: Cast range increased from 500/550/600/650 to 525/600/675/750.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Sand Storm movement speed increased from +25 to +50.

Shadow Shaman:

  • Hex: Cast range increased from 500 to 550.
  • Mass Serpent Ward: Cooldown decreased from 130/120/110 seconds to 110 seconds.

Skywrath Mage:

  • Base attack speed decreased from 100 to 90.


  • Take Aim: Passive bonus range increased from 100/200/300/400 to 130/220/310/400.
  • Assassinate: Damage increased from 250/350/450 to 300/400/500.

Spirit Breaker:

  • Charge Of Darkness:
    • Charge bonus speed increased from 250/300/350/400 to 275/325/375/425.
    • Fixed movement speed not updating when slows wear off while Spirit Breaker is charging.
  • Nether Strike: Bonus damage increased from 150/225/300 to 175/250/325.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Damage increased from +40 to +45.


  • Storm Hammer: Cooldown increased from 18/16/14/12 seconds to 21/18/15/12 seconds.
  • God’s Strength:
    • Slow Resistance decreased from 30/35/40 percent to 30 percent at all levels.
    • Cooldown increased from 105/100/95 seconds to 110/105/100 seconds.


  • Base damage decreased by two.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Health decreased from +300 to +275.

Treant Protector:

  • Nature’s Grasp: Mana cost increased from 75/80/85/90 to 90.
  • Leech Seed: Cooldown increased from 18/16/14/12 seconds to 24/20/16/12 seconds.
  • Overgrowth: Cooldown increased from 100 seconds to 120/110/100 seconds.


  • Tombstone: Tombstone vision range decreased from 1500 to 1200 at all levels.

Vengeful Spirit:

  • Magic Missile: Aghanim’s Shard secondary target search range decreased from 100 percent of cast range to 75 percent of cast range.
  • Wave of Terror: Mana cost increased from 25/30/35/40 to 40 at all levels.
  • Vengeance Aura: Base damage bonus decreased from 10/16/22/28 percent to 10/15/20/25 percent.


  • Strength gain decreased from three to 2.8.
  • Fatal Bonds: Duration decreased from 25 seconds to 19/21/23/25 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 15 Talent Upheaval attack speed per second on allies decreased from +12 to +10.


  • The Swarm: Attack damage increased from 18/20/22/24 to 18/22/26/30.


  • Base Agility increased from 17 to 19.
  • Base Intelligence increased from 18 to 21.
  • Gale Force: Mana cost decreased from 150 to 100.

Winter Wyvern:

  • Base Armor increased by one.
  • Base Mana Regen increased from zero to 0.25.
  • Arctic Burn: Cooldown decreased from 38/32/26/20 seconds to 26/24/22/20 seconds.

Witch Doctor:

  • Paralyzing Cask: Cast point decreased from 0.35 seconds to 0.2 seconds.
  • Death Ward: Damage decreased from 60/110/160 to 60/100/140.


  • Lightning Bolt: Ministun duration increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.35 seconds.
  • Thundergod’s Wrath:
    • Cooldown decreased from 130/125/120 seconds to 120 seconds.
    • Mana cost decreased from 300/400/500 to 250/375/500.

Dota 2 Patch 7.34c Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where using Armlet could lead to double death bounties.
  • Fixed Soul Ring not removing temporary mana at the end of its buff duration.
  • Fixed enemy flagbearer creeps sometimes not showing their banners.
  • Fixed shield rune not being visible on enemy units until they attack or get attacked.
  • Fixed Ion Shell sometimes not being visible.
  • Fixed Terrorblade illusions appearing the same as the real Terrorblade.
  • Fixed buffs like Haste, God’s Strength, and Fire Remnant not showing on the status bar of heroes.
  • Fixed backdoor protection not being shown as a buff on towers nor the shield icon next to their health.
  • Fixed the invisibility effect not showing on enemy heroes under a friendly Sentry Ward.
  • Fixed Haste rune not showing as a buff on the status bar or being shown visually on the hero.
  • Fixed Pudge Rot being invisible.
  • Fixed an issue where Rubick stole Death Pact for free when stealing Skeleton Walk from Clinkz.
  • Fixed Lone Druid’s Spirit Bear counting towards Monkey King’s Jinggu Mastery stacks.
  • Fixed Lone Druid’s Spirit Bear death counting towards permanent stacks for Axe, Necrophos, Slark, Lion, and Tidehunter.
  • Fixed Desolator gaining damage when killing Spirit Bear.
  • Fixed Spirit Bear attacks counting as Hero attacks when attacking Clinkz Skeletons, Lich Ice Spire, Phoenix Supernova, Pugna Nether Ward, Tidehunter Dead in the Water anchor, Undying Tombstone, Zeus Nimbus.
  • Fixed Spirit Bear death refreshing Axe Culling Blade and lowering Windranger Focus Fire cooldown with Level 25 talent.
  • Fixed Lone Druid Spirit Bear displayed as the unit name on the Minimap.
  • Fixed Tormentor not granting Spirit Bear a Shard if Lone Druid already has one, and not allowing allies to get Tormentor gold bounty if all allies already have the Shard.
  • Fixed Tormentor particles sometimes showing in fog of war.
  • Fixed a bug where inventory item icons would sometimes disappear when dragging them.
  • Fixed a number of items’ ability effects failing to equip in the Armory/Loadout.
  • Fixed some free event reward items not showing up in the Armory.
  • Fixed an issue saving the Taunt slot on custom sets.
  • Fixed the default global light and shadow colors on the Autumn terrain.
  • Fixed a display-only bug where certain magic resistance and physical resistance percentage values were being incorrectly rounded down a point below their actual values.
  • Fixed a display-only bug where units with zero health or mana regeneration values would display as negative zero due to network-encoding quantization effects.
  • Fixed a crash in Workshop Tools.