Dragon's Dogma 2 Quest Guide: The Caged Magistrate

We are going to be taking a look at the Caged Magistrate quest and figuring out what the Heel of History mission has to do with finding a room filled with books.

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In Dragon's Dogma 2, you might not always be too sure what to do in certain quests. The Caged Magistrate is one such complex quest where you will not know how to proceed. To figure it out, you are going to have to complete another mission. But that is where we come in.

The Caged Magistrate Quest Guide for Dragon's Dogma 2

During a main quest, Captain Brant will ask you to help get a friend out of prison. It seems simple in the beginning. He will even give you the Gaol Key so you can walk in, grab Waldhar, and leave. Nothing is that simple in Dragon's Dogma 2. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 Captain Brant The Caged Magistrate

Head inside the gaol just as the quest tells you and make your way to Waldhar. Ignore the guards. They will leave you alone as long as you don't steal anything and are quick. There is nothing to worry about even if they do attack. They might put you in a cell but guess what? You have a key to get out



Find Waldhar sitting in his cell and tell him you are there to free him. Unfortunately, he will not go. He is completely content to sit in the prison and continue his research. Nobody bothers him so why would he want to leave? He will give you the task of finding somewhere else he can hide and it must be full of books for him to study.

Dragon's Dogma 2 The Caged Magistrate Waldhar

Before you leave make sure you talk to Waldhar one more time and he will give you one of the grimoires needed for the Spellbound quest. If you haven't already started it, do so whenever you have the chance. It's worth the running around because the end rewards are the Maister's Teachings for the Sorcerer and Mage vocations.

Do not go searching all over Vernworth for a library of some kind. You will not find one. Instead, go straight back to Captain Brant. You can usually find him in the Stardrop Inn at night. He won't know of anywhere suitable but another of his friends might.



The Heel of History Quest Guide for Dragon's Dogma 2

Like in all RPGs, nobody will help you for the sake of it. Dragon's Dogma 2 is no exception. You will need to assist them with something first. Head to the Gracious Hand almshouse and talk to Kendrick. After giving him some gold or food to help those in need, he will open up and tell you that he is looking for a young boy called Malcolm. Apparently, the boy is missing, and suggests you ask the other children for some information.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Heel of History Gracious Hands Almshouse

Question the three children around the almshouse. They don't need convincing to talk and will immediately tell you that Malcolm had been bragging about finding a secret treasure in some vaults nearby. 

Return to Kendrick and tell him what the children said. He will know exactly where Malcolm must be. Follow him to the church so he can open the boarded-up entrance to the Gracious Hand Vaults. Head inside and continue down the path. It might be dark but it is hard to get lost because it's basically one path. There are bats and rats to deal with but nothing to worry about.

You will eventually find Malcolm. He will tell you that he has found a secret room filled with scrolls and books. Let him lead the way to the mysterious study. You will find a hidden room filled with a treasure trove of knowledge. It's perfect for a certain imprisoned magistrate

Open the boarded door so you have an easy way back if you have to return and go see Kendrick. He will reward you for finding Malcolm. Before you head back to Waldhar, travel to the Checkpoint Rest Town to duplicate your Gaol Key. Ibrahim will create a forgery for a fee and at the end of the quest when you give the key back to Brant, you will have a way out of prison in Dragon's Dogma 2 from now on.


Dragon's Dogma 2 Caged Magistrate Ibrahim dublicating Gaol Key

Now you can go back to the gaol and talk to Waldhar again. With the prospect of a quiet study where he can continue his research in peace, he is now more than happy to leave the prison. He will ask you to escort him out of the gaol. Don't bother going past any of the guards. Just open the doors closest to you and lead him out. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 Caged Magistrate and Heel of History Quests

You won't need to lead Waldhar all the way to the vaults so head back to Captain Brant. No doubt there is more for you to do for him but you will at least be closer to progressing the story. I hope this guide helped you complete the Caged Magistrate and the Heel of History quests in the Dragon's Dogma 2.
