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Elden Ring: All Areas Listed by Level

Discover all areas in Elden Ring, listed by level in this comprehensive guide.

Elden Ring: All Areas Listed by Level

Elden Ring is a vast open-world game that offers players an incredible level of freedom to explore its breathtaking landscapes and conquer the challenges. With its expansive and interconnected areas, the game presents many paths to follow, leaving many players uncertain about the ideal order and level progression. This guide covers all areas in Elden Ring, listed by level and recommended weapon upgrade.

All Areas in Elden Ring

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While some may argue that the beauty of Elden Ring lies in its open-ended nature, there's no denying the frustration of repeatedly facing overwhelmingly difficult encounters.

To relieve yourself of this frustration and ensure a more seamless progression, we've compiled a comprehensive guide that organizes the game's areas by recommended player level. Here are all areas in Elden Ring, listed by level:


Area Recommended Level Recommended Weapon Upgrade
West Limgrave 1-20 0-2
East Limgrave 10-20 0-2
Weeping Peninsula 20-30 0-2
Stormveil Castle 30-40 3-4
Liurnia of the Lakes 40-50 3-4
Raya Lucaria Academy 45-60 4-6
Caria Manor 60-70 6-8
Ainsel River 60-70 6-8
Siofra River 60-70 6-8
Altus Plateau 70-80 8-12
South Caelid 70-80 8-12
Nokron, Eternal City 70-80 8-10
Siofra Aqueduct 75-80 10-14
Carian Study Hall 75-80 12-14
Deeproot Depths 80-90 14-16
Nokstella, Eternal City 80-90 14-18
Lake of Rot 80-90 16-20
Moonlight Altar 80-90 16-20
Mount Gelmir 80-90 15-20
Dragonbarrow 80-100 16-20
Leyndell, Royal Capital 90-110 16-20
Forbidden Lands 90-110 20-22
Mountaintops of the Giants 100-110 20-22
Volcano Manor 90-100 16-20
Consecrated Snowfield 100-110 20-22
Subterranean Shunning-Grounds 110-120 20-25
Mohgwyn Palace 110-120 22-25
Miquella's Haligtree 120+ 24-25
Crumbling Farum Azula 120+ 24-25
Leyndell, Ashen Capital 120+ 24-25



A Guided Tour

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Our guide will take you on a meticulously planned journey through the treacherous Lands Between, breaking down each region into easily digestible segments. Along the way, we'll highlight particularly challenging bosses that may require you to temporarily divert your path or level up further before attempting to conquer them.

Limgrave: The Starting Point

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Your adventure begins in West Limgrave, where you'll encounter your first foes and learn the intricacies of combat. It's recommended to tackle this area between levels 1-20 while gradually upgrading your weapons to levels 0-2.

As you progress to East Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula, around levels 10-30, you'll face more formidable adversaries like the relentless Runebears and the menacing Leonine Misbegotten.



The Stormveil Challenge

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Stormveil Castle, Elden Ring's first legacy dungeon, serves as a true test of your mettle. Aim to reach levels 30-40 and upgrade your weapons to levels 3-4 before braving its depths and facing the fearsome Margit and Godrick.

Liurnia of the Lakes: A Vast Expanse

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Prepare to immerse yourself in the sprawling region of Liurnia of the Lakes, a vast area teeming with challenging enemies and bosses. Levels 40-50 and weapon upgrades of 3-4 are recommended for tackling the open-world portion, while the Raya Lucaria Academy and Caria Manor legacy dungeons will require levels 45-70 and upgrades up to level 8.

The Underground Realms

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As you delve deeper into the game, you'll uncover underground areas like the Ainsel River, Siofra River, and the Eternal Cities of Nokron and Nokstella. These regions, best approached between levels 60-90 with weapon upgrades ranging from 6-18, offer a unique and challenging experience.



The Altus Plateau and Beyond

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Reaching the breathtaking Altus Plateau at levels 70-80 and with weapon upgrades of 8-12 will mark a significant milestone in your journey. From here, you'll venture into increasingly demanding areas like South Caelid, Mount Gelmir, and the formidable Dragonbarrow.

The Capital and the Mountaintops

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Leyndell, Royal Capital, a sprawling legacy dungeon, demands levels 90-110 and weapon upgrades of 16-20. Conquer it, and you'll gain access to the Forbidden Lands, Mountaintops of the Giants, and the Consecrated Snowfield, where levels 100-110 and upgrades of 20-22 will serve you well.

The Endgame Challenges

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As you approach the endgame, brace yourself for the ultimate tests in areas like Miquella's Haligtree, Crumbling Farum Azula, and the transformed Leyndell, Ashen Capital. These final challenges will require you to reach levels 120 and beyond, with fully upgraded weapons at levels 24-25.




Remember, the true beauty of Elden Ring lies in forging your own path. Use this guide as a reference, but don't be afraid to venture off the beaten track and create your own unique experiences in the treacherous yet captivating Lands Between.
