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Elden Ring: List of All Great Spears, Their Stats & Locations

In this article, we will cover the full list of Great Spears in Elden Ring, along with their stats and locations.

Elden Ring: List of All Great Spears, Their Stats & Locations

With Elden Ring having more than 300 weapons, the amount of different builds and variations that are available to players is immense. Whether you want to use spells and incantations or to simply swing a huge sword, with enough effort you will be able to defeat some of the strongest bosses in the game. The game truly offers something for everyone, and if you are looking to tinker with some new builds, the first course of action would be to find the perfect weapon.

Spears not only look amazing, but they can also provide a unique playstyle that offers a bit more range than your typical melee weapons. If you want to find the perfect spear in Elden Ring, our list has all the information you will ever need, including stats, scaling, and the locations on the world map!

Table of Contents
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear Siluria's Tree Lance
Treespear Serpent-Hunter Vyke's War Spear
Elden Ring List of Great Spears



Elden Ring: List of All Great Spears, Their Stats and Locations

While Elden Ring has an immense amount of weapons, there are only 6 Great Spears that you can find within the world. Each of these Spears has its own unique blend of skills, stats, and scaling, and being able to find the right one for your character is going to be crucial. Our list below is going to cover all 6 of these Spears, while also providing all of the stats and scaling information you will need. You are also going to find the locations for each of them, so you can easily locate them in the game. Here is the full list of Great Spears in Elden Ring:

Weapon Attack Scaling Skill

Elden Ring Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear

Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear

Phys - 96
Mag - 0
Fire - 62
Ligt - 0
Holy - 0
Crit - 100

Str - D
Dex - E
Int - 
Fai -
Arc - D

Bloodboon Ritual

Elden Ring Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear Location

Received by trading the Remembrance of the Blood Lord to Enia at Roundtable Hold after defeating Mohg, Lord of Blood at the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.





Weapon Attack Scaling Skill

Elden Ring Siluria's Tree

Siluria's Tree

Phys - 90
Mag - 0
Fire - 0
Ligt - 0
Holy - 90
Crit - 100

Str - D
Dex - E
Int - 
Fai - D
Arc - 

Siluria's Woe

Elden Ring Siluria's Tree Location

Received after defeating Crucible Knight in the Deeproot Depths.





Weapon Attack Scaling Skill

Elden Ring Lance


Phys - 123
Mag - 0
Fire - 0
Ligt - 0
Holy - 0
Crit - 100

Str - D
Dex - D
Int - 
Fai -
Arc - 

Elden Ring Charge Forth IconCharge Forth

Elden Ring Lance Location

Can be found on a corpse north east of the Warmaster's Shack in Limgrave.





Weapon Attack Scaling Skill

Elden Ring Treespear


Phys - 122
Mag - 0
Fire - 0
Ligt - 0
Holy - 79
Crit - 100

Str - D
Dex - D
Int - 
Fai - D
Arc - 

Elden Ring Sacred Order IconSacred Order

Elden Ring Treespear Location

Can be found in a carriage near the Liurnia Highway South site of grace in Liurnia of the Lakes.





Weapon Attack Scaling Skill

Elden Ring Serpent Hunter


Phys - 111
Mag - 0
Fire - 0
Ligt - 0
Holy - 0
Crit - 100

Str - B
Dex - E
Int - 
Fai - 
Arc - 

Great-Serpent Hunt

Elden Ring Serpent-Hunter Location

Inside of the boss arena for Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy.





Weapon Attack Scaling Skill


Vyke's War Spear

Phys - 103
Mag - 0
Fire - 66
Ligt - 0
Holy - 0
Crit - 100

Str - B
Dex - E
Int - 
Fai - 
Arc - 

Frenzyflame Thrust

Elden Ring Vyke's War Spear Location

Received after defeating Festering Fingerprint Vyke in Liurnia of the Lakes.

That concludes the full list of Great Spears that are available in Elden Ring. While there aren't as many as some of the other weapon types in the game, all of these options are very strong and are capable of completing the entire game. Hopefully, this guide has helped you find the perfect option for your build, and if you are looking for more Elden Ring news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website.
