Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree was officially released on June 21, 2024, and ever since then, people have been exploring all the areas, weapons, and additional opportunities for fun that the new expansion has to offer. However, the new DLC is particularly difficult to play, and considering the general lack of information about it, players can easily get confused.
But don't worry, we've got you covered! We made a full list of all the areas in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, and we will tell you exactly what you need to do to get there. Don't forget to check out the short description below each area, so you can be well-informed before embarking on your next adventure. Let's get started.
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Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is the biggest expansion that FromSoftware has ever released, with more than 10 new bosses, 100 new weapons, and brand-new dungeons for all fans to enjoy. One of the best things about the new DLC is the fact that it takes place in a new region called the Land of Shadow.
Considering the number of positive reviews that the game has gathered so far, it's safe to say that fans are excited to explore all the new areas that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has to offer. However, the new DLC is way more complicated than it seems, and you might have some trouble getting to your desired area. But don't stress out! Here is a list of all 12 distinct areas and locations on the map and how to get there!
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Areas

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has its own map, which is divided into 12 distinct areas and 5 regions. Of course, some areas are easier to find than others, but it's important to note that you don't have to find all of them; only five are mandatory. The regions in the Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree map are as follows:
- Gravesite Plain
- Scadu Altus
- Shadow Keep
- The Ancient Ruins of Rauh
- The Tower of Shadow
Although only 5 out of 12 areas are mandatory to find, it's always more fun to explore everything that an expansion like this one has to offer. Let's take a look at the places with the most exciting enemies, bosses, loot, and some of the most valuable Shadow of the Erdtree Scadutree Fragments you can use. Read more to see the full list of areas and regions below!
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree All Areas List
Gravesite Plain

To unlock the Gravesite Plain, you don't really have to do anything. That's the area that you will spawn at, so you will see it no matter if you're trying to or not. After you start Shadow of the Erdtree, you will be teleported to the Southwest corner of this region, and you will be free to explore it for as long as you want.
Scadu Altus

Scadu Altus is an area that consists mainly of churches and ruins. The most important place there is definitely the Cathedral of Manus Metyr on the East side. Once you find yourself in Gravesite Plain, go to Castle Ensis in the Northeast corner. Fight through the entrance and reach the highest point. That's where you'll find Rellana, so be ready for a boss fight. Once you defeat her, a door to the South side of Scadu Altus will open.
Shadow Keep

The Shadow Keep area has multiple entrances and exits because it serves as a connecting point for all the regions around. You can access it through the main entrance located on the South side. It's not very difficult to find it. All you have to do is follow the road through the soldier camp straight to the entrance. You can also go through the flooded Church District on the East side and hop on a few rooftops until you find the lever that can be used to unflood the area and make it explorable.
Ancient Ruins of Rauh

Although there are multiple ways to reach the Ancient Ruins of Rauh, entering through the Shadow Keep is widely considered to be the best. After you defeat the Golden Hippopotamus, play until you reach the Specimen Storehouse 1st Floor Site of Grace. Turn West and use the elevator that goes down. Once you manage to defeat all the monsters, you will reach a bridge with a mage who summons blood showers, but don't worry! Simply fight to the end of the bridge, and you'll reach your destination.
Jagged Peak

Jagged Peak is a mountain packed with opportunities for boss fights. From the soldier camp in the Gravesite Plain, head South, and when the road splits, take the right one. The NPC Ancient Dragon-Man will attack you, but you don't have to fight him. When you reach the end of the path, you will see a cave called the Dragon Pit. At the lowest point, there is a big hole surrounded by candles and a message. Don't be afraid, and jump in the hole. You won't die, but there will be a boss fight waiting for you there. After you defeat the boss, you'll reach the Jagged Peak area.
Cerulean Coast

The Cerulean Coast is split into two separate sections: the coast itself and Charo's Hidden Grave. Once you reach Jagged Peak, head to the first open area with the Jagged Peak Drake boss. Instead of fighting, head South to the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion. When you spot a dragon carcass, navigate around its West flank, and there will be a drop-down to a field of flowers. Follow only the field to the right.
Stone Coffin Fissure

The Stone Coffin Fissure is not very easy to find. It doesn't show up on the map, and it's underground. However, there are ways to get to this area. From the Cerulean Coast, follow the Southern shoreline to the peninsula at the southernmost point of the Realm of Shadow. Once you reach the hole in the ground, use the ledges of the platform to lower yourself down, and you'll reach the Stone Coffin Fissure.
Abyssal Woods

To reach the Abyssal Woods, you need to access the Shadow Keep through the main entrance and beat the Hippo. At the easternmost point, there's a ladder that you need to use to descend to reach an illusory wall. Once you pass the wall, you will see a coffin. Use it to ride along the river to the Ruins of Unte. Horserise past the Golems and follow the left bank along the cliffs. When you reach the waterfall, leap down by using the stone platforms, and repeat the process when you see the second waterfall. Hug the left cliff wall until you get to a set of doors and follow the Catacombs all the way down to a boss fight with Jori, the Elder Inquisitor. Defeat him, and you'll reach the Abyssal Woods.
The Scadutree

The Scadutree isn't really a tree, but a small cliff area. Once you unflood the Church District of the Shadow Keep, fight the fire knight at the second level of the church and go North to a rising elevator. This will lead you to the back of the Specimen Storehouse. Climb up onto the rafters and jump from them when you see the north side of the tower. The descending elevator will take you to the Scadutree area.
The Hinterlands

Getting to the Hinterlands is difficult. From the Moorth Ruins in Scadu Altus, navigate down the hole, and at the end, you'll emerge at the Bonny Village. Go to the North Cliffs and look for a body with the O Mother gesture on it. Then you need to find the Scadutree region again. Turn right into the Cathedral area with the statue of Marika and do the O Mother gesture. This will open a door that will take you to the Hinterlands.
The Scadutree Base

In the Scadutree Base, there will be one single boss fight. Unflood the Church District and head down to the ground level. Enter the northernmost Church and go down with the elevator. Go over the bridge, and you'll find a church and a Site of Grace called the Tree Worship Sanctum. It will take you to the Scadutree Base.
The Tower of Shadow

The Tower of Shadow is also known as Enir-llim. It's the last major area in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. Defeat Romina, Saint of the Bud, to access the Sealing Tree. Fight Messmer the Impaler at the highest point of the Shadow Keep to get Messmer's Kindling and use it to burn the tree. This will immediately teleport you to the Tower of Shadow.

It's important to note that there are usually multiple ways to access a certain area, and the more you play, the more strategies you will be able to discover. Don't hesitate to experiment with different approaches to reach your desired destination, and always be prepared to meet enemies on the way there!
One of the best things about Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is that it offers endless opportunities for exploration of different areas, and each player gets to choose where to go most of the time. Don't be afraid to explore even the locations that are not mandatory; now you have all the information you might need. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, you can check out this article.