The PvP Series in FF14 is a time-limited battle-pass-style unlock tree where players must advance in rank to receive rewards.
Sometimes, players have to finish a PvP Series quickly before it gets withdrawn, or they just want to get it over with as soon as possible, because they are limited on time and it just isn't the type of content people like to complete.
Instead of simply queuing endlessly for PvP, there are methods to earn Series EXP that make the process more efficient. Even if you don't enjoy PvP, the benefits can be rather appealing, and most players will put up with it long enough to get to the rewards.
Here are the most effective strategies to quickly increase your PvP Series levels in FFXIV.
Table of Contents
FFXIV: How Long Does it Usually Take to Max the PvP Series

One of the awkward aspects of PvP Series leveling is that, as you progress, levels require more experience, so progression is not linear. As a result, even if it appears that you've progressed far in the Series, you may still have a long way to go.
In terms of progression, PvP series looks something like this:
- Rank 11 is 25% of the way to completion
- Rank 17 is 50% of the way to completion
- Rank 22 is 75% of the way to completion
Do not be discouraged when leveling your Series. Those later levels can be hard, but knowing the best ways to obtain a lot of experience quickly will aid you on your quest to earn those awesome rewards.
FFXIV: Fastest Way to Rank Up PvP Series

Frontline Roulette
Frontline is the only PvP mode in Final Fantasy 14 with its own dedicated Roulette, which you should definitely take advantage of. A win awards 1,500 Series EXP, second place offers 1,250 Series EXP, and last place awards 1,000 Series EXP. This is nearly a complete Series Level on its own at the early levels, and it remains extremely valuable as you level up.
Frontline provides a lot of Series EXP, even more than Crystalline Conflict. That makes it a stronger alternative for increasing your Series EXP, even though Crystalline Conflict battles are slightly faster.
Crystalline Conflict
However, because of the smaller team size, Crystalline Conflict offers faster queues during non-peak hours in Final Fantasy XIV. If you're playing in the middle of the day while people are at school or work, late at night, or early in the morning, Crystalline Conflict is a preferable alternative, despite the fact that it only awards 900 Series EXP for a win and 700 for a defeat.

PvP Groups
The easiest way to earn Series EXP in FF14 and level up is to participate in as much PvP as possible...even if it is not always the most engaging piece of content. However, by engaging in queue syncs, events, and other community activities, you can cause less-played game modes such as Rival Wings to pop and earn Series EXP from them.
Joining Discord groups like PvP Revival can assist, but you should also build your own group of PvP pals in-game to make this type of content more enjoyable!
PvP Around Peak Times
This is more broad advice that applies to both particular days and overall release schedules; nonetheless, you should arrange your PvP around peak playing times. PvP is inherently more busy in the early evenings and on weekends, so plan to play around those times.
Beyond that, PvP is most active at the start of patches and right before Series end. As a result, you may optimize your PvP grind around PvP-specific patch releases.
Make sure to stay tuned for more Final Fantasy 14 content and, in the meantime, click here for our article on all the upcoming FF14: Dawntrail job changes.