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Fortnite Complete 'Welcome To The Wasteland' Quests Guide - Chapter 5 Season 3

Here's a quick guide that will show you how to complete every quest in the "Welcome to the Wasteland" questline.

Fortnite Complete 'Welcome To The Wasteland' Quests Guide - Chapter 5 Season 3
Epic Games

Every new season brings a new story quest to Fortnite. In Chapter 5 Season 3, we get the new storyline called 'Nitro Wasteland Stories.' In these quests, we will help Hope fight off the invading Wastelanders who brought Nitro to the Fortnite map.

The first phase of the new storyline is called 'Welcome to the Wasteland.' In this guide, we will show you exactly how to complete every quest from the 'Welcome to the Wasteland' challenges in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3.

Fortnite Complete 'Welcome To The Wasteland' Quests Guide - Chapter 5 Season 3
Epic Games / Gameleap



Every 'Welcome to the Wasteland' Quest in Fortnite

The 'Welcome to the Wasteland' questline contains only six tasks, so you don't have to worry about spending too much time to complete them. Here is a list of every quest and how to complete it:

  • Talk to Hope and Jones (2) - 15,000 XP
  • Damage opponents while boosting in vehicles (100) - 15,000 XP
  • Destroy objects or structures while infused with Nitro (100) - 15,000 XP
  • Install Vehicle Mods (4) - 15,000 XP
  • Search containers at Wasteland Landmarks (10) - 15,000 XP
  • Collect surveillance devices at different Wasteland locations (6) - 15,000 XP

While many of these tasks are simple, some can be tough without clear instructions. In the next parts of this article, we will give you easy-to-follow steps to help you complete each task successfully.

Talk to Hope and Jones

The first step of the questline is pretty simple. You just need to talk to two NPCs, Hope and Jones. Check the image below for their exact locations.

Hope and Jones Locations in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3.png



Damage Opponents While Boosting in Vehicles

For the second quest, you need to deal 100 damage to opponents while boosting in a vehicle. In Season 3, using the boost no longer consumes 20% of your fuel, making this task easier. Grab any vehicle you like, and use your Boost button before smashing through enemy players or opponents. Since it says opponents, you can complete it by bumping into boss guards.

How to Damage Opponents While Boosting in Vehicles in Fortnite
Epic Games / Gameleap

Destroy Objects or Structures While Infused with Nitro

To complete this quest, you need to destroy 100 objects or structures while infused with Nitro. There are two ways to get infused with Nitro. The first is to break Nitro Barrels and start smashing objects. The easier way is to get one of the three Mythic cars, which have unlimited Nitro. To get a Mythic car, you must defeat a Boss, get their medallion, and steal their car. After that, simply destroy any objects or structures that can be broken.

How to Destroy Objects or Structures While Infused with Nitro Fortnite
Epic Games / Gameleap



Install Vehicle Mods

The next quest is probably the easiest one. You need to install four Vehicle Mods. Simply smash through four Vehicle Mod Boxes while in a vehicle to complete this quest. Check the image below for the exact locations of every Vehicle Mod Box.

How to Install Vehicle Mods in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

Search Containers at Wasteland Landmarks

The fifth challenge requires you to search 10 containers at Wasteland Landmarks. Named locations will not count. Containers include anything you can open, such as chests, ammo boxes, produce boxes, and even cash registers. Check the image below for the exact location of every Wasteland Landmark in Fortnite. Only the Landmarks in the highlighted green area will count.

How to Search Containers at Wasteland Landmarks in Fortnite
Epic Games / Gameleap



Collect Surveillance Devices at Different Wasteland Locations

The last quest requires you to collect six surveillance devices at different Wasteland locations. All of these locations will be marked on your map. Once you are in the area of the surveillance devices, you will see a blue exclamation mark indicating the device you need to collect. Approach the device and press the interact button to retrieve it. There are seven devices on the map, and you need to collect six of them.

How to Collect Surveillance Devices at Different Wasteland Locations in Fortnite
Epic Games / Gameleap

That concludes our guide on how to complete every 'Welcome to the Wasteland' quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3. Each quest will reward you with 15,000 XP. These challenges are only the first part of the Nitro Wasteland Stories. The second part, called 'Raiding the Rig,' will be unlocked on June 12. For more Fortnite news and guides, please explore the rest of our website.
