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GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024

You want to see where the GTA 5 Online Gun Van is located today? Keep reading, we'll tell you everything you need to know!

GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024
Rockstar Games

While we're all eagerly anticipating the release of GTA 6, Rockstar Games has been working hard to continue delivering exciting updates to GTA 5 Online. With the thrilling Cluckin' Bell Farm and Drug Wars updates, we have some amazing opportunities for fun in GTA 5 Online.

Especially with the Drug Wars update giving us something very special - the Gun Van. Keep reading to find out more about what it is, why it's important, and where to find it today, so you can get the most powerful weapons and updates. Let's dive into the details!

GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024
Rockstar Games



The GTA 5 Online Gun Van

GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024
Rockstar Games

Without a doubt, the Gun Van is about to become your best friend in GTA 5 Online. The Gun Van is a special place that sells powerful weapons, ammo, armor, and many thrilling weapon upgrades that are impossible to find at Ammu-Nation. And what makes it even better is the fact that all items come at jaw-dropping discounts.

There's a little catch though. The Gun Van changes its location randomly every day. Unless you have the GTA+ subscription, you might have some trouble finding it. But don't worry! We're here to tell you exactly where it is today!

The GTA 5 Online Gun Van: Location

GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024
Rockstar Games

As of May 27, 2024, the Gun Van is located at East Los Santos, between Elysian Fields Freeway and El Rancho Boulevard. You don't believe us? Go check it out yourself!

If you don't see it on the map, don't stress out! You have to get very close to be able to see it. But before you rush there, let's take a look at the amazing items that the Gun Van has to offer today!



The GTA 5 Online Gun Van: Today's Offers

GTA 5 Online: Current Gun Van Location May 27, 2024
Rockstar Games

One of the most exciting aspects of the Gun Van is that it changes its stock every week! One time you might stumble upon the best melee weapons and the next you might find the Unholy Hellbringer. So keep your eyes open for all of these weekly delights in GTA 5 Online!

Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned criminal, it's always important to stay informed. So don't forget to follow our weekly stock updates along with the daily location updates. Here's what this secret spot has prepared for us this time.

Item Regular Discount GTA+ Discount
Up-n-Atomizer 30% 50%
Battle Rifle 10% 10%
Unholy Hellbringer 10% 10%
Minigun 10% 10%
Assault SMG 10% 10%
Homing Launcher 10% 10%
Sticky Bomb 10% 10%
Grenade 10% 10%
Tear Gas 10% 10%
Standard Armor 10% 10%

Have fun shopping at the GTA 5 Online Gun Van and be careful - we want you to get there in one piece! For more information about GTA 5 Online, you can check out this article.
