It's Christmas in GTA Online, and that means it's yeti hunting season! Here's where to begin the new yeti hunt event, the locations of each of the 5 clues, and the times at which the yeti spawns so you can unlock your new yeti outfit in time for Christmas. Also check out TGG's channel for more juicy GTA Online content. Let's begin!
How to Start the Yeti Hunt in GTA Online:
First, you'll need to head to the north side of the map, just north of Fort Zancudo. As soon as you're in the right spot, you'll get a message from a hunter called 'Tanner.' This marks the beginning of the event and a white circle should appear on your map, as shown below:
GTA Online: Yeti Hunt Clue Locations:
Next, it's time to find those clues so you can spawn in the yeti. The clues you must find are listed below.
Clue #1: The Dead Deer
Clue #2: Human Remains
Clue #3: The Overturned Car
Clue #4: The Abandoned Tent
Clue 5: The Wrecked Car and Bloody Shirt
GTA Online: How to Find the Yeti:
Once you have found all 5 clues, the yeti will spawn in automatically as soon as you visit the mission area between the hours of 21:00 and 06:00, known colloquially as 'night time.' Kill the yet and you will instantly unlock your new Yeti outfit!
Make sure to check out TGG's Yeti hunt video below for a more in-depth tutorial!
If this guide has been helpful, check out how to get the Gooch Outfit here.