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Hades 2: All Incantations Explained

We will go over all available incantations in the Early Access for Hades 2. 

Hades 2: All Incantations Explained
Supergiant Games

Throughout your playthrough, Incantations will be a huge part of Hades 2. You play Melinoe, daughter of Hades and Princess of the Underworld. You are going to be pitted against Chronos, the god-swallowing titan, and will need every Incantation available to defeat him. Each spell can be brewed or crafted in the cauldron at your home base. Every Incantation has a different purpose.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to cast all of the Incantations early in Hades 2. In fact, you will not even know some exist until they become available later. Considering you need to track down the necessary resources to perform the Incantations, it would be wise to collect the crafting materials as you progress along the story. Here is a list of every Incantation available in Hades 2. 

NOTE: Since the game is in Early Access, all of this information is subject to change as the devs are likely to update the game before the official launch.

All Incantations in Hades 2

If any of the Incantations listed below do not appear at your cauldron, you will need to advance further in the story. Make sure you have talked to all NPCs at the crossroads because they might have something to add.  We have placed the Incantations into groups depending on what they do.



All Incantations for Improving the Crossroads in Hades 2

All Incantations for Improving the Crossroads in Hades 2
Supergiant Games

Whether they add NPCs, vendors, or facilities, these Incantations will make your Crossroads Hub more helpful in Hades 2.

Incantation Description Recipe
Fated Intervention Unlocks the Fates List which gives you objectives to complete.
  • 1x Silver
  • 2x Ashes
  • 2x Moly
Summoning of Mercantile Fortune Spawns the Wretched Broker vendor who sells a variety of goods.
  • 10x Bones
Kinship Fortune Upgrade the Wretched Broker's Inventory so he now sells nectar.
  • 60x Bones
Floral Fortune Enables the exchange of plants and other goods for Bones at the Wretched Broker.
  • 1x Ashes
  • 1x Nightshade
Summoning of Personal Insights Spawns the Record Keeper at the Taverna for statistical detail about weapons and boons.
  • 2x Shaderot
  • 2x Poppy
Summoning of Historic Travails Spawns the Learned Sage at the Taverna for analysis of your loadout on previous runs.
  • 3x Marble
  • 1x Zodiac Sand



All Incantations for Resource Farming and Gathering in Hades 2

All Incantations for Resource Farming and Gathering in Hades 2
Supergiant Games

Get your gathering tools ready. These Incantations will help you farm and gather the resources you need to upgrade and craft new functions in Hades 2.

Incantation Description Recipe
Night's Craftwork

Reveal Gathering Tools within the Silver Pool. Unlock them to mine, gather, and dig up valuable resources.

  • 1x Moly
Forget-Me-Not Enables you to mark recipes via your Book of Shadows for reminders on the items you need.
  • 1x Moly
Reagent Sensing After Encounters, a silver wisp will alert you of nearby resources
  • 1x Moly
Greater Favor of Gaia Allows enhancements for your Gathering Tools. 
  • 2x Marble
  • 4x Bronze
  • 4x Iron
Observance of Gaia's Secrets Earn a 20% chance to gain one extra resource when gathering.
  • 7x Moly
  • 7x Lotus
  • 7x Moss
Flourishing Soil

Create two Soil Plots for growing and harvesting plants.

  • 1x Moly
Rich Soil Adds two more Soil Plots.
  • 3x Lotus
Verdant Soil Adds a final two more Soil Plots.
  • 1x Wheat
  • 1x Garlic



All Incantations for Hidden Locations and Abilities in Dungeons in Hades 2

All Incantations for Hidden Locations and Abilities in Dungeons in Hades 2
Supergiant Games

Here you will find the Incantations that make your runs a little easier. Some increase the healing power of fountains while others add more places to heal in each region. 

Incantation Description Recipe
Cleansing of Fountain-Waters Gain 10% more health from fountains.
  • 1x Moly
  • 1x Lotus
Purification of Fountain-Waters Gain another 10% more health from healing fountains.
  • 1x Nightshade
  • 1x Cattail
Woodsy Lifespring Reveal a hidden glade in Erebus, where you can find a healing fountain
  • 3x Silver
  • 1x Moly
Briny Lifespring Reveal a hidden chamber in Oceanus, where you may find a healing fountain.
  • 3x Lime
  • 3x Lotus
Golden Lifespring Reveal rest areas in Tartarus so you can heal up.
  • 3x Marble
  • 3x Shaderot
Sandy Lifespring Reveal a hidden isle in the Rift of Thessaly where you may restore some life.
  • 3x Iron
  • 3x Driftwood
Kindred Keepsakes Spawns your Keepsake repository after each major boss fight.
  • 4x Lime
  • 2x Moly
  • 1x Lotus
Rise of Stygian Wells Cause locations in the Underworld to sometimes contain Wells of Charon
  • 1x Moly
  • 1x Nightshade
Surge of Stygian Wells The Well of Charon is guaranteed to appear between regions.
  • 3x Moly
  • 3x Cattail
Rush of Fresh Air The Shrine of Hermes will appear randomly on the surface
  • 3x Fabric
  • 1x Wool
  • 2x Driftwood
Unearthed Troves Infernal Troves may appear at random locations. Complete the challenge to earn a reward.
  • 5x Lime
  • 1x Nightshade
Necromantic Influence Sprint into Lone Shades to cause them to attack your enemies.
  • 5x Psyche
  • 5x Nightshade
Propensity Toward Gold Destroy Golden Urns to gain up to 15 gold.
  •  1x Lime
  • 1x Fate Fabric
Circle of Protection In Erebus, activate warding circles to protect you from damage.
  • 1x Moly
  • 1x Lotus
  • 1x Mandrake
Reviving a Mournful Husk Interacting with the Golden Boughs in the Fields of Mourning will make all rewards and exits in each location.
  • 1x Myrtle
Summoning a Colony of Bats In the City of Ephyra, interact with cages to see all boons and reward chambers in the area.
  • 3x Moss
  • 3x Rubbish



All Incantations for Weapons, Boons, and Pets in Hades 2

All Incantations for Weapons, Boons, and Pets in Hades 2
Supergiant Games

Let's have a look at all the Incantations that will affect your weapons, boons, perks, or familiars. 

Incantation Description Recipe
Gathering of Ancient Bones

Cause a random Main Weapon each night to have Grave Thirst, granting Bones after clearing each location.

  •  2x Lime
Aspects of Night and Darkness Enables you to unlock and upgrade weapon aspects
  • 5x Bronze
  • 1x Nightshade
Divination of the Elements Reveal hidden elemental affinities of various boons. 
  • 5x Psyche
Insight Into Offerings Reveal a complete list of all Olympian/deity boons in the Book of Shadows, including legendary and duo boons.
  • 2x Ambrosia
  • 2x Poppy
  • 1x Golden Apple
Consecration of Ashes Enables the enhancement of Arcana Cards. Grants 3x Moon Dust.
  • 6x Ashes
  • 3x Cinder
  • 6x Fate Fabric
Faith of Familiar Spirits Enables you to bring along familiars with you on dungeon runs.
  • 2x Nectar
  • 1x Lotus
Attending a Faithful Beast Allows your familiars to stay in the training grounds. When rested, they can harvest twice.
  • 1x Tears
  • 1x Wool
  • 4x Wheat



All Incantations for Romance in Hades 2

These spells will help you woo your favorite characters in Hades 2 and help you decide if you want to be more than friends. 

All Incantaions for Romance in Hades 2
Supergiant Games
Incantation Description Recipe
Empath's Intuition Allows you to view the relationship status and affinity of various characters in the Book of Shadows.
  • 1x Fate Fabric
  • 3x Myrtle
Rite of Vapor-Cleansing Unlocks the Crossroads Hot Springs. You can invite potential romantic partners to take a bath with you. Grants 1x Bath Salts.
  • 2x Moly
  • 2x Lotus
  • 2x Nightshade
Rite of Social Solidarity Opens the Crossroads Taverna. You can invite your friends to have a drink with you. Grants 1x Ambrosia.
  • 2x Nectar
  • 2x Garlic
Rite of River Fording Unlocks the Crossroads Fishing Pier. You can invite romantic partners to catch some fish with you. Grants 1x Twin Lures.
  • 4x Driftwood
  • 2xCattail



All Incantations to Unlock New Regions and Advance the Storyline in Hades 2

All Incantations to Unlock New Regions and Advance the Storyline in Hades 2
Supergiant Games

All the Incantations you find in the section will help you progress the story or make certain boss battles a little easier. 

Incantation Description Recipe
Doomed Beckoning Moros will spawn at the Crossroads. 
  • 3x Fabric
  • 1x Nightshade
Permeation of Witching-Wards Removes the wards that stop you from reaching the surface. 
  • 1x Cinder
  • 1x Shadow
  • 3x Moly
Unraveling a Fateful Bond Removes the HP-draining curse that slowly kills you on the surface. 
  • 2x Lotus
  • 2x Moss
  • 2x Nightshade
  • 2x Thalamus
Abyssal Insight You will be able to start the Chaos Trails. Interact with the obelisk next to the weapon selection to begin. 
  • 2x Fate Fabric
  • 2x Pearl
  • 2x Moly
  • 2x Nightshade
Power to Pause and Reflect Stops Chronos from breaking the fourth wall and preventing you from pausing the game during battle.
  • 3x Zodiac Sand
  • 3x Moly



All Alchemy Recipes for Hades 2

All Alchemy Recipes for Hades 2
Supergiant Games

This section will list all of the alchemy recipes for Hades 2 so you can craft some important resources. 

Incantation Description Recipe

Beast-Loved Morsel 

Creates 2x Witch's Delight
  • 1x Star Dust
  • 2x Lotus
Moonlit Essence from Stars Creates 3x Moon Dust
  • 1x Star Dust
Moonlit Essence from Shadow Creates 5x Moon Dust
  • 1x Cinder
  • 1x Shadow
Sweet Nectar Creates 3x Nectar
  • 1x Golden Apple
Shadow Extraction
Creates 1x Shadow
  • 30x Ashes
  • 30x Psyche
  • 3x Fate Fabric



Hades 2 has plenty of Incantations to work through and will all require some sort of resources to perform. Even though they all have different effects, it would be wise to cast them all so you can play Hades 2 with ease. 

That concludes the list of all Incantations available in Hades 2. We will keep an eye out for any more that are added. Hades 2 is still in early access so we can expect to see more content arrive in the future. I hope this helps you know what to look for as you collect the required resources. Feel free to check out our other guides for Hades 2 below.
