The long-awaited expansion of Hearthstone - Whizbang's Workshop was released a few days ago and delivered 145 new cards to the players. We met a lot of new faces but some cards are actually revisited versions of some well-known cards from previous years. In this article, we will look into the ten new Druid cards and explain their flavor texts.
As you may know, every card in Hearthstone has its own "flavor" text which is a specific pun, reference, or joke related to the art or the name of the card. Some "serious" cards have a deeper flavor text that might reveal more about the lore or set the tone of the character. You can see this flavor text when you click on a card in your "My Collection" tab in the game.
Make sure to check out our in-depth explanation articles for each card class in Whizbang's Workshop! Now let's begin!
Magical Dollhouse
- Rarity: Common
- Flavor text: Build your own dollhouse in 3 easy steps!
1. Build a castle.
2. Miniaturize it.
3. GLITTER! - Flavor text explanation: This flavor text jokes about the way toys are being marketed as easy to build. In this case, though, you must build a whole castle and miniaturize it just to get a dollhouse. The "glitter" part refers to the way spell damage is animated in Hearthstone.
Bottomless Toy Chest
- Rarity: Common
- Flavor text: That's right, it goes in the toy chest.
- Flavor text explanation: This playfully references the famous fantasy literature and children's stories trope of an endless toy chest where you can put any amount of toys in.
Woodland Wonders
- Rarity: Common
- Race: Beast
- Flavor text: Is this a standup fight or another bug hunt?
- Flavor text explanation: This is a quote from the movie Aliens from 1986. In this case, there are actual bugs in the form of beetles with Taunt.
Wind-Up Sapling
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Plant
- Flavor text: I am Wind-Up Sapling.
- Flavor text explanation: Here we have another wordplay with the wind-up toys and the saying to "wind-up something".
Sparkling Phial
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Night elf
- Flavor text: Lemme pull up your phial.
- Flavor text explanation: Here "phial" is used as a homophone of "file". This saying can be heard in a doctor's office when someone needs to "pull up" information about you.
Chia Drake
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Dragon
- Flavor text: Huh-huh-huh Hearthstone!
- Flavor text explanation: This is a nod to the famous quote from the Chia Pet advertisements - Ch-Ch-Ch Chia.
Jade Display
- Rarity: Epic
- Race: Mogu
- Flavor text: The Jade Lotus just releases the same product every year but with an upgraded camera.
- Flavor text explanation: This flavor text uses the word "display" in the name to joke about smartphones. Nowadays a lot of the companies that make them get criticized that they release the same product with minor upgrades every year.
- Rarity: Epic
- Race: Troll, Wildkin, Worgen
- Flavor text: Come on, you know- I ensmallen, you ensmallen? He she me Ensmallen? Ensmallogy: the study of ensmallening?! IT'S FIRST GRADE.
- Flavor text explanation: The flavor text jokes about the name of the card itself. Even though we can see someone desperately trying to prove that ensmallen (the opposite of enlarge) is a real word it in fact is not.
Sky Mother Aviana
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Animated Object, Harpy, Wild God
- Flavor text: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's 10 copies of Leeroy Jenkins!
- Flavor text explanation: Leeroy Jenkins is the most popular Legendary card in Hearthstone thanks to his World of Warcraft fame. The flavor text starts with the classic Superman quote but ends with a joke about the effect of the card - shuffling 10 copies of Leeroy Jenkins into your deck.
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Wildkin, Beast
- Flavor text: They said you sound like an owl.
- Flavor text explanation: This is a famous set-up for a joke where someone makes you say "who" which is the sound that an owl makes.
Those are all ten Druid cards in Whizbang's Workshop! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning!
- Hearthstone All Death Knight Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained
- Hearthstone All Demon Hunter Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained