Hearthstone All New Hunter Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained

Check out all 10 new Hunter cards in Hearthstone Whizbang's Workshop and all their versions, flavor texts, and explanations. 

Hearthstone All New Druid Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained

The long-awaited expansion of Hearthstone - Whizbang's Workshop was released a few days ago on March 19, 2024, and delivered 145 new cards to the players. We met a lot of new faces but some cards are revisited versions of some well-known cards from previous years. In this article, we will look into the ten new Hunter cards and explain their flavor texts.

As you may know, every card in Hearthstone has its own "flavor" text which is a specific pun, reference, or joke related to the art or the name of the card. Some "serious" cards have a deeper flavor text that might reveal more about the lore or set the tone of the character. You can see this flavor text when you click on a card in your "My Collection" tab in the game. 

Make sure to check out our explanation articles for each card class in Whizbang's Workshop! Now let's begin!




Fetch!.pngFetch! Golden.png

  • Rarity: Common
  • Race: Beast, Human, Mechanical 
  • Flavor text: We made fetch happen. 
  • Flavor text explanation: This flavor text is a very fun wordplay that refers to the famous quote from Mean Girls "Stop trying to make fetch happen" while also implying the famous dog command. 

Remote Control

Remote Control.webpRemote Control Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Flavor text: For some reason, my dog keeps trying to eat this. 
  • Flavor text explanation: It is a well-known occurrence that dogs love chewing on remote controls for some reason. Here the art illustrates the remote control as a dog threat in the form of a bone for that same reason. 


Toyrannosaurus.webpToyrannosaurus Golden.webpToyrannosaurus Signature.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Race: Animated Object, Dinosaur
  • Flavor text: This toy WRECKS. 
  • Flavor text explanation: The flavor text and name joke about the famous name of the T-Rex. The "T" is changed to "toy" while the "Rex" is switched up with "Wrecks" which has the same pronunciation. 


Jungle Gym

Jungle Gym.webpJungle Gym Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Race: Dinosaur
  • Flavor text: Yeah, I work out at the gym. The one with all the plushies and toys. 
  • Flavor text explanation: In real life, a jungle gym is a place where kids play. The flavor text jokes about working out there instead of in a normal gym.

Painted Canvasaur

Painted Canvasaur.webpPainted Canvasaur Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Race: Animated Object, Dinosaur
  • Flavor text: Oh this is a present? Would you like that gift raptor not? 
  • Flavor text explanation: This joke is pretty clear and honestly very funny. The flavor text yet again uses wordplay to swipe the word "wrapped" with the word "raptor" which has a similar pronunciation. 

Patchwork Pals

Patchwork Pals.webpPatchwork Pals Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flavor text: "I'll name you Misha, you Huffer, and you can be the third one." 
  • Flavor text explanation: The Animal Companion Card is used to give you one of three animal companions - Huffer, Misha, and Leokk. This flavor text points out how no one wanted to get Leokk because he was considered the weakest out of the three.


R.C. Rampage

R.C. Rampage.webpR.C. Rampage Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Race: Beast, Mechanical
  • Flavor text: This place has really gone to the dogs. 
  • Flavor text explanation: This card summons a lot of hounds which are here to destroy you which is shown through the saying "gone to the dogs".

Mystery Egg

Mystery Egg.webpMystery Egg Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Flavor text: Which came first, the Mukla or the egg? 
  • Flavor text explanation: King Mukla is one of the most popular beasts in Hearthstone. The flavor text makes a joke referring to the card effect and name. 

Hemet, Foam Marksman

Hemet, Foam Marksman.webpHemet, Foam Marksman Golden.webpHemet, Foam Marksman Signature.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Flavor text: So THIS is who's been lowering the power level of all those Hearthstone cards in a foamly fashion. 
  • Flavor text explanation: This flavor suggests that Hemet, the famous World of Warcraft Hunter, has been responsible for the card balance changes in Hearthstone. 


King Plush

King Plush.webpKing Plush Golden.webpKing Plush Diamond.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Race: Animated Object, Dinosaur
  • Flavor text: He's so fluffy you're gonna DIE! 
  • Flavor text explanation: He might seem cute but do not underestimate how deadly King Plush is! The flavor text jokes about the common exaggeration that something cute or fluffy can make you "die". This time, however, it is for real. 

Those are all ten Hunter cards in Whizbang's Workshop! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning! 
