Hearthstone All New Warlock Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained

Check out all 10 new Warlock cards in Hearthstone Whizbang's Workshop and all their versions, flavor texts, explanations, and more.

Hearthstone All New Warlock Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained

The long-awaited expansion of Hearthstone - Whizbang's Workshop was released a few days ago on March 19, 2024, and delivered 145 new cards to the players. We met a lot of new faces but some cards are revisited versions of some well-known cards from previous years. In this article, we will look into the ten new Warlock cards and explain their flavor texts.

As you may know, every card in Hearthstone has its own "flavor" text which is a specific pun, reference, or joke related to the art or the name of the card. Some "serious" cards have a deeper flavor text that might reveal more about the lore or set the tone of the character. You can see this flavor text when you click on a card in your "My Collection" tab in the game.

Make sure to check out our explanation articles for each card class in Whizbang's Workshop! Now let's begin!




Tabletop Roleplayer

Tabletop Roleplayer.webpTabletop Roleplayer Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Race: Human
  • Flavor text: "And then I uh... I curse them with... uh... OH! I got it! They have to speak in rhymes or they turn into a crab!" 
  • Flavor text explanation: This flavor text illustrates the struggle with roleplay during tabletop games like DnD.

Wretched Queen

Wretched Queen.webpWretched Queen Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Race: Animated Object, Imp
  • Flavor text: Mind your head when you're around her. 
  • Flavor text explanation: In the past, queens had the power to ask for anyone's had as long as they did them wrong in some way. This Wretched Queen seems to be no exception.

Table Flip

Table Flip.pngTable Flip Golden.png

  • Rarity: Common
  • Race: Demon, Imp, Observer
  • Flavor text: "Judge!" 
  • Flavor text explanation: In the art, we can see minions facing off against each other in a chess tournament. Mid-game someone flipped the table so the players are calling the judge to solve the issue. 



Endgame.webpEndgame Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Race: Gnome, Human, Nathrezim, Orc
  • Flavor text: 2:29:55 
  • Flavor text explanation: The only explanation we have for this one is that the numbers in the flavor text are what the player's dice show during the game. In tabletop games, some dice can go up to 100 so getting a big number is not that surprising. 

Sketch Artist

Sketch Artist.webpSketch Artist Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Race: Orc
  • Flavor text: Never ask an artist how many pieces they've finished. 
  • Flavor text explanation: Fuming with creativity, artists start new projects and sketches all the time. In the excitement to start a new drawing, their previous one usually ends up as an unfinished sketch. This orc here resonates with that as she is even labeled as a sketch artist only. 

Crane Game

Crane Game.webpCrane Game Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Race: Imp, Night Elf
  • Flavor text: This claw machine is RIGGED! I keep getting demons that bite me! 
  • Flavor text explanation: Crane games are very hard to play and rarely ever give any prices. In this magical crane game, the biggest issue seems to be constantly getting biting demons.


Cursed Campaign

Cursed Campaign.webpCursed Campaign Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Race: Vulpera
  • Flavor text: Their group has been trying to schedule the next session since Kobolds and Catacombs came out. 
  • Flavor text explanation: "Campaign" is what a DnD game with more than one session is called. This one is cursed since the players have taken too long to reschedule a new session. Everyone knows the struggle of making plans with a whole friend group... it is cursed. 

Malefic Rook

Malefic Rook.webpMalefic Rook Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Race: Animated Object, Ered'ruin
  • Flavor text: Was a regular Pawn but Fel in with the wrong toys. 
  • Flavor text explanation: This flavor text is very funny since it suggests that the Malefic Rook changed after befriending some bad toys. The smart wordplay changes the word "fell" with "Fel" which is a destructive form of magic in Hearthstone. This is also most likely what caused him to turn out like that. Yikes.

Game Master Nemsy

Game Master Nemsy.webpGame Master Nemsy Golden.webpGame Master Nemsy Signature.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Race: Gnome
  • Flavor text: "Rocks fall, and everyone dies. Oopsies!"  
  • Flavor text explanation: The game master in any tabletop roleplay game is the strongest player with the power to decide the destiny of others. If the game master says you die, you die. No questions asked. 


Wheel of DEATH!!!

Wheel of DEATH!!!.webpWheel of DEATH!!! Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Flavor text: Why don't the good guys ever get a wheel?
  • Flavor text explanation: The flavor text jokes about how many things are called the "something of death" which is done to add a more scary and mysterious aspect to it. With this saying being so popular, we have never seen a version that would fit a good guy. 

Those are all ten Warlock cards in Whizbang's Workshop! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning!
