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How To Catch Every Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC

A guide to catching all 25 Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC, including how to unlock and locate them.

How To Catch Every Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC
How To Catch Every Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC

The Indigo Disk DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet allows players to catch 25 Legendary Pokemon from previous generations out in the wild. This guide will explain how to unlock the ability to find them, where to locate each, and tips for catching these rare and powerful creatures.



Unlocking Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC

How To Catch Every Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC
How To Catch Every Legendary Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC

The first step is finishing the entire Indigo Disk storyline, defeating the Elite Four and Kieran. Once the credits roll, head to the Blueberry Academy entrance and speak to the NPC named Snackworth.



Snackworth will give you special lure items called "Snacks" in exchange for completing Blueberry BBQ challenges. Each Snack corresponds to one of the 25 Legendaries and reveals a hint about where to find them. Keep completing BBQs until you get all 25 Snacks.



Legendary Pokemon Locations in Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC

All the Legendaries roam the Paldea map from the base Scarlet & Violet game. Here are their locations based on nearby landmarks:

Name Legendary Pokemon Locations in Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC Image of Legendary Pokemon 
Articuno Lake south of Montenevera a1b9576b6cf4bde4abeb391af3b55c5370205557.png
Zapdos Poco Path Lighthouse 427bb0b94b44ff442449cfba55dc6829df76891c.png
Moltres Cliff north of Asado Desert 9d83c451429ae1858ff1588ba5724ffbad4b55c1.png
Lugia Tiny island off North Province 44708bc0531c717525ca3fc2bc92baf00c59de75.png
Ho-Oh Waterfall east of Alfornada 76401a64fd7bc07a3476b288e29f91b7966e5ed0.png
Entei Coast east of East Province 967b76092000c899bf62b7c15a2e9e6827f5e304 (1).png
Raikou Mountain south of Icerend Shrine c1261aabc35a32d67c08bcaea12c4c879ea2aff3.png
Suicune Island in Casseroya Lake 2de9e74170ed9d1aac76d9d87ea578d76e5baa0a.png
Groudon Alfornada Caverns beneath city d19f02a5b30541b7b696a6efeb8f368756702e3d.png
Kyogre Islands north of Casseroya Lake 791478067602b397c7ffd0defdd380bad39f2a6f.png
Rayquaza Rim ofSoutht Crater south area f6a02199446c37509259046601ee6ac55542e97f.png
Latias Beach south of South Province 648f3a069476c341b6c7ce755fde65ff244504aa.png
Latios Lake southwest of Firescourge Shrine 5a25f1cc2f86cab788c01291e2f5888545e73f54.png
Cobalion Cliff west of Firescourge Shrine 131193172ac33d8fbb4c5efa3f4985287b366447.png
Terrakion Mountain west of Great Crater 9a1980e702ceeb122fd621c99fe3b144e07d3cd4.png
Virizion Northeast Tagtree Thicket dd6eeb37307ac3fe672f752ff39c13c96c438566.png
Reshiram Cliff south of Zapapico 48118fd19743ec8e657bba40e25b47ae8c8ed387.png
Zekrom Plateau south of Artazon c3e1c0fcd66e27795e93a2a10373ef65b3e2ebf4.png
Kyurem Tunnel northwest of Dalizapa Passage dcffa075b386b7cecc0b4d723f7ba31f1701a22f.png
Solgaleo Pokémon League rooftop 3084f3f24323befd29db6ff3aa1eb147ffacf8b3.png
Lunala Cliff north of Porto Marinada 565ab7b35666fe2234fa1b8865ce9e9727d7a23d.png
Necrozma Plateau north of Casseroya Lake 50dc208b42aef0978d1f36192031c4d1d122f54b.png
Kubfu Waterfall north of Firescourge Shrine 26993e0a278bd6bcab4b4fdf2dfa8a2de51484e8.png
Glastrier Snowy hill south of Glaseado Mountain 20ffeabefa4b8d806c4cd8973a00300dbdb01dd8.png
Spectrier Ruins north of Great Crater d9d77bc197553a7ed869956030d7ab651a154084.png




Catching all the returning Legendaries in The Indigo Disk takes effort, but it's rewarding to add these rare and powerful Pokémon to your collection. With the tips provided, you can take down these challenging encounters and expand your Pokédex. The journey to catch 'em all continues with these classic Legendaries roaming the Paldea region once again.
