Invincible: Guarding the Globe Tier List: Best Heroes Ranked

Find out all you need about Invincible: Guarding the Globe tier list for the best heroes in this comprehensive guide.

Invincible: Guarding the Globe Tier List: Best Heroes Ranked
Invincible: Guarding the Globe Tier List: Best Heroes Ranked

Invincible: Guarding the Globe brings the excitement of the Invincible universe to life in an action-packed idle RPG. With a roster of iconic heroes and villains to recruit, building the ultimate squad is key to unraveling the mystery of the sinister clone army. Our Invincible: Guarding the Globe hero tier list breaks down the best of the best, so you can assemble a team ready for any challenge.

Invincible: Guarding the Globe Tier List

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Invincible: Guarding the Globe Tier List

We've ranked and categorized the heroes into three tiers based on their offensive power, utility, and durability:

  • S-Tier: Game-changing top-tier picks
  • A-Tier: Excellent choices with minor shortcomings
  • B-Tier: Reliable options best used to fill specific roles

Read on for insights into the elite heroes you'll want leading the charge in Guarding the Globe.



S-Tier Invincible: Guarding the Globe Heroes

Here are the game-changing S-Tier heroes in Invincible: Guarding the Globe:

  • Invincible
  • Omni-Man
  • Red Rush
  • Atom Eve
  • The Immortal
  • Titan


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Invincible's unmatched speed and damage output make him arguably the best attacker in the game.

  • His Supersonic skill allows him to zip between enemies, dealing rapid blows that quickly take out groups.
  • Atom Eve's cooldown reduction synergy makes him even more formidable.



The Immortal

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The Immortal

No other defender can match The Immortal's disruption and durability.

  • His leaping AOE slam stuns swarms of foes while dishing high damage. 
  • Time Assistance also significantly cuts damage from dangerous Viltrumites.

Atom Eve

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Atom Eve

Eve's utility and team support abilities are second to none. She can shield vulnerable allies and reflect damage when paired with Rex Splode. Not to mention the cooldown reduction synergy with Invincible. Her versatility makes her useful in virtually any battle.



A-Tier Invincible: Guarding the Globe Heroes

Here are the A-Tier heroes in Invincible: Guarding the Globe:

  • Dupli-Kate
  • Rex Splode
  • Darkwing
  • Kursk
  • Magmaniac
  • Robot
  • Black Samson
  • Tether Tyrant
  • Flaxan Leader



Black Samson

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Black Samson

Boasting phenomenal defense and the ability to counter attacks, Black Samson excels at withstanding punishment and controlling enemies. His offensive power lags slightly behind top defenders like The Immortal.

Rex Splode

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Rex Splode

Rex can pump out excellent AOE damage with his explosive powers. Unfortunately, long cooldowns and mana issues inhibit his damage potential compared to S-tier attackers. Still more than viable.



B-Tier Invincible: Guarding the Globe Heroes

Here are the least best B-Tier heroes in Invincible: Guarding the Globe:

  • Flaxan Soldier
  • Upgraded Reanimen
  • Reanimen
  • Martian Man
  • Magmanite

Martian Man

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Martian Man

A decent supporter who can heal allies and enable your backline, but dependent on synergies to really shine. Eve brings more to the table.



Summary Table

Here's a summary table for Invincible: Guarding the Globe heroes tier list:

Tier Attacker Support Defender
  • Invincible
  • Omni-Man
  • Red Rush 
  • Atom Eve
  • The Immortal
  • Titan 
  • Dupli-Kate
  • Rex Splode
  • Darkwing
  • Kursk
  • Magmaniac
  • Robot
  • Black Samson
  • Tether Tyrant
  • Flaxan Leader
  • Flaxan Soldier
  • Upgraded Reanimen
  • Reanimen 
  • Martian Man
  • Magmanite

Building a balanced and powerful team is critical in Guarding the Globe. This tier list highlights the most meta heroes currently dominating matches. Aim to recruit at least a few S and A-tier characters to form an elite squad ready to take on any challenge.

But don't be afraid to experiment and find heroes that best suit your own playstyle too. With this guide, you now have the knowledge to assemble a team capable of tackling Guarding the Globe's immense threats. 
