Last Epoch 1.0: The Best Rogue Builds for Every Mastery

Here are the best builds for the rogue class in Last Epoch 1.0 so you can scale into an endgame monster!

Last Epoch 1.0: The Best Rogue Builds for Every Mastery
Eleventh Hour Games

Rogues have ever been immensely powerful in the ARPG genre, renowned for their insane bursts of damage and god-tier mobility. Last Epoch is no exception. With all 3 class masteries - Bladedancer, Falconer, and Marksman - scaling extremely well into the endgame, it's no wonder that many players pick up rogue as their first choice.

To help get you started, here are the 3 best rogue builds currently dominating in Last Epoch 1.0 so you can build for success!

Last Epoch: Best Rogue Builds for Every Mastery

Last Epoch: Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Rogue Build

As a Shadow Daggers Bladedancer rogue, you'll be dashing into enemies with Synchronized Strike, decimating foes in an area with Shadow Cascade and Umbral Blades, then dashing out towards the next pack with Shift. The result is a deadly, always-moving play style.

Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Skills:

  • Umbral Blades
  • Synchronized Strike
  • Shift
  • Shadow Cascade
  • Smoke Bomb



Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Passive Skills:

Last Epoch Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Bladedancer Passives
Last Epoch Bladedancer Passives
Last Epoch Marksman Passives
Last Epoch Marksman Passives
Last Epoch Falconer Passives
Last Epoch Falconer Passives



Shadow Daggers Bladedancer Ability Skill Trees:

Last Epoch Umbral Blades Skill Tree
Last Epoch Umbral Blades Skill Tree
Last Epoch Synchronized Strike Skill Tree
Last Epoch Synchronized Strike Skill Tree


Last Epoch Shift Skill Tree
Last Epoch Shift Skill Tree
Last Epoch Shadow Cascade Skill Tree
Last Epoch Shadow Cascade Skill Tree
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree



Last Epoch: Shadow Daggers Falconer Rogue Build

Rising above every rival rogue build in Last Epoch 1.0, the Shadow Daggers Falconer build boasts unrivaled mobility and S-tier damage. If soaring above and divebombing your enemies is your style, this Falconer take on the Shadow Daggers build is for you.

Shadow Daggers Falconer Skills:

  • Umbral Blades
  • Aerial Assault
  • Net
  • Puncture
  • Smoke Bomb

Shadow Daggers Falconer Passive Skills:

Last Epoch Rogue Passives (Falconer)
Last Epoch Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Falconer Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Falconer Passives
Last Epoch Bladedancer Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Bladedancer Passives



Shadow Daggers Falconer Ability Skill Trees:

Last Epoch Umbral Blades Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Umbral Blades Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Umbral Aerial Assault Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Umbral Aerial Assault Tree (Falconer)


Last Epoch Net Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Net Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Puncture Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Puncture Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree (Falconer)
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree (Falconer)



Last Epoch: Blast Rain Marksman Rogue Build

This may well be the best ranged build in all of Last Epoch. Blast Rain Marksman has it all: insane mobility, godly range, and powerful AoE and single-target damage. You will never stop moving while dishing out devastation, and it's glorious.

Blast Rain Marksman Skills:

  • Explosive Trap
  • Detonating Arrow
  • Shift
  • Shurikens
  • Smoke Bomb

Blast Rain Marksman Passive Skills:

Last Epoch Blast Rain Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Rogue Passives
Last Epoch Blast Rain Rogue Marksman Skills
Last Epoch Marksman Passives


Last Epoch Blast Rain Rogue Falconer Skills
Last Epoch Falconer Passives
Last Epoch Blast Rain Rogue Bladedancer Skills
Last Epoch Bladedancer Passives



Blast Rain Marksman Ability Skill Trees:

Last Epoch Explosive Trap Skill Tree
Last Epoch Explosive Trap Skill Tree
Last Epoch Detonating Arrow Skill Tree
Last Epoch Detonating Arrow Skill Tree
Last Epoch Shift Skill Tree (Marksman)
Last Epoch Shift Skill Tree (Marksman)


Last Epoch Shurikens Skill Tree
Last Epoch Shurikens Skill Tree
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree (Marksman)
Last Epoch Smoke Bomb Skill Tree (Marksman)

For more Last Epoch guides, take a pick from the useful list below!