Last Epoch: Can You Customize Your Character?

Are there any character customization options in Last Epoch?

Last Epoch: Can You Customize Your Character?
Eleventh Hour Games

After years of being developed under the Early Access banner, Last Epoch is finally here, and many players are starting to take a look at everything that the developers have managed to achieve. Many comparisons to other games are starting to surface, with Diablo 4 and Path of Exile players looking for a fresh new adventure in their favorite genre. First impressions are always important, and upon opening most games, the first thing you are going to be greeted with is the option to create your own character.

Character customization is the cornerstone of any RPG game, allowing players to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack, while giving them more reasons to be attached to their avatar.

Last Epoch Appearance
Eleventh Hour Games



Can You Customize Your Character in Last Epoch?

In terms of your character's base model appearance, you will not be able to make any changes to their features. The only options available during the character creation screen will be your class, name, and game mode. While this might be disappointing for some players, it's worth noting that you will rarely be able to actually see your character's face while playing the game. The only time your character is fully on your screen is during the main menu.

Last Epoch Character Appearance
Eleventh Hour Games



You will, however, be able to change the appearance of your character through different cosmetic items. While the current in-game shop is somewhat empty, we expect many new additions to be added throughout the course of the game. The shop already has a ton of different sections prepared for future cosmetic items to be added. Here is a list of cosmetic items we can expect to see in the future:

  • Back Attachments
  • Pets
  • Portals
  • Armor
  • Weapons
  • Skill VFX
  • Footstep Effects
  • Portraits
Last Epoch Cosmetics
Eleventh Hour Games

That is everything you need to know about the different character customization options in Last Epoch. The game is very similar to how Path of Exile currently works, with little-to-no options to distinguish yourself from other players if you don't purchase any microtransactions. Hopefully, some more options get added in a later cycle of the game, but for now, this is everything that is available. For more Last Epoch news and guides, check out the rest of our website!
