Last Epoch: How Many Chapters Are There?

We will be taking a look at the campaign of Last Epoch and how many chapters there are to the story

Last Epoch: How Many Chapters Are There?
Eleventh Hour Games

Last Epoch has been released officially as this hack and slash action role-playing game has peaked the interest of many players. Although there are already titans in this genre like Diablo 4 and Path of Exile, Last Epoch strives to be somewhere in the middle in terms of complexity and gameplay.

Given the fact that most players enjoy the multiplayer aspects of the game, you can still get some fun and entertainment from Last Epoch's campaign as well. With that being said, we will be taking look as to how long your time-travelling journey will be. 

Last Epoch Campaign
Eleventh Hour Games



How Many Chapters Are There in Last Epoch?

Last Epoch Campaign Length
Eleventh Hour Games 

There are a total of 9 chapters in the campaign of Last Epoch that has you visiting all sorts of different places throughout the world of Eterra's many eras. It seems that the devs have not increased the number of chapters following the full release of this long-anticipated RPG, much to the suprise of the player base.

With that being said, the campaign has you traversing five different periods, namely: The Divine Era, The Ruined Era, The Imperial Era, The Ancient Era, and the End of Time. Despite the campaign having only 9 chapters, the devs have promised that three additional chapters are planned for the future updates to Last Epoch.

Will you be able to survive all of the perils and treachery that lie behind the story of Last Epoch? Best of luck in the vast world of Eterra and may you be blessed with the favor of the RNG Gods as you try to make your character stronger as you progress further into the game.

Last Epoch Chapters
Eleventh Hour Games 
