LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W2D1

We will go over all of the matches that were played during first day of the second week of the League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split Regular Season.

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W2D1

The League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split has kicked off with many new exciting stages, as well as some unfortunate news regarding the future of the region. Recently, it was announced that the LCS will be decreasing the number of competing teams from eight to six, so we will be seeing a lot less action come 2025. 

However, the region has also introduced format changes to its Summer Split Championship so fans will have a lot more time watching their favorite teams perform and adapt to the meta and strategies as the Regular Season will consist of best-of-three (Bo3) matches for a more intense and enjoyable experience for both the fans and players. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Matches

LCS 2024 Summer Split Matches

The LCS Regular Season will consist of a single round-robin Best-of-3 format given the vast amount of feedback from the fan base and pros. This will not only help teams practice for the international stage but also have a lot more time dedicated to each team and their performance instead of spreading both the fans and casters thin. 

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season C9 vs IMT

The Bo3s of the Summer Split are in full throttle. The League of Legends pro players are showing a lot more resourcefulness as well as utilizing new strategies this time around. 

Game 1 Cloud9 vs Immortals (1-0)

C9 Role IMT
Thanatos Gnar TOP Lee Sin Castle
Blaber Karthus JNG Maokai Armao
Jojopyun Yone MID Corki Mask
Berserker Senna BOT Ziggs Tactical
VULCAN Nautilus SUP Bard Olleh

Game 2 Cloud9 vs Immortals (2-0)

IMT Role C9
Castle K'Sante TOP Renekton Thanatos 
Armao Maokai JNG Sejuani Blaber 
Mask Jayce MID Azir Jojopyun 
Tactical Zeri BOT Senna Berserker 
Olleh Leona SUP Ashe VULCAN 

A clean 2-0 sweep by C9 as IMT was unable to properly execute their comps, ultimately leading to C9 draining IMT out of resources with their great macro plays until a crucial Baron fight broke out in Game 2 securing C9 the win. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season 100 vs DIG

The second match of the day sparked a very exciting series given how much the League of Legends meta had changed, it seems that the LCS region was experimenting with all sorts of champions, however, in the end only one team can be victorious in these Bo3s. 

Game 1 100 Thieves vs Dignitas (0-1)

100 Role DIG
Sniper Camille TOP K'Sante Licorice
River Karthus JNG Zyra Spica
Quid  Yone MID Corki Jensen
Meech Senna BOT Smolder Zven
Eyla Sion SUP Leona Isles

Game 2 100 Thieves vs Dignitas (0-2)

100 Role DIG
Sniper K'Sante TOP Renekton Licorice
River Vi JNG Morgana Spica
Quid  Taliyah MID Corki Jensen
Meech Ashe BOT Ezreal Zven
Eyla Braum SUP Leona Isles

Dignitas was able to efficiently out play 100 Thieves at almost every fight, securing a game-deciding Baron in Game 1 as well as a massive gold lead in Game 2, ultimately pushing 100 into a corner. 

And that covers all of the games from the second week day one matches of the LCS 2024 Summer Split. This format is proving to be very effective as a lot of fans and players are already providing positive feedback. The League of Legends Esports scene is still going strong, despite the recent news regarding the changes to the LCS, but hopefully, Riot Games will continue investing in the pro scene as the game has more or less skyrocketed Esports into mainstream relevance. 
