LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W2D2

We will go over all of the matches that were played during the second day of the second week of the League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split Regular Season.

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W2D2
Riot Games

The League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split is in full throttle showcasing the NA pro talent. The region has always been marked with a cheerful and fun attitude, further cementing the League of Legends Esports scene is not only a place for pro players to show their best but also a great community that shows their love for the game. 

The LCS region has also introduced format changes to its Summer Split Championship so fans will have a lot more time watching their favorite teams perform and adapt to the meta and strategies as the Regular Season will consist of best-of-three (Bo3) matches for a more intense and enjoyable experience for both the fans and players. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Matches

LCS 2024 Summer Split Matches

The LCS Regular Season will consist of a single round-robin Best-of-3 format given the vast amount of feedback from the fan base and pros. This will not only help teams practice for the international stage but also have a lot more time dedicated to each team and their performance instead of spreading both the fans and casters thin. 

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season FLY vs NRG

The Bo3s of the Summer Split are in full throttle. The League of Legends pro players are showing a lot more resourcefulness as well as utilizing new strategies this time around. 



Game 1 FlyQuest vs NRG Kia (1-0)

Bwipo Skarner TOP K'Sante Dhokla
Inspired Zyra JNG Karthus Contractz
Quad Tristana MID Yone Palafox
Massu Ziggs BOT Senna FBI
Busio Leona SUP Ornn huhi

Game 2 FlyQuest vs NRG Kia (1-1)

Dhokla K'Sante TOP Poppy Bwipo
Contractz Zyra JNG Karthus Inspired
Palafox Corki MID Tristana Quad
FBI Ashe BOT Varus Massu
huhi Leona SUP Alistar Busio

Game 3 FlyQuest vs NRG Kia (2-1)

Bwipo Twisted Fate TOP K'Sante Dhokla
Inspired Zyra JNG Diana Contractz
Quad Corki MID Tristana Palafox
Massu Ezreal BOT Kai'Sa FBI
Busio Leona SUP Alistar huhi

After a very intense third game, FLY was able to secure a significant lead and close out the series with a convincing 2-1 win. Despite NRG trying their hardest, the FlyQuest roster seemed rather unshakeable in their determination. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season TL vs SR

The second match of the day sparked a very exciting series given how much the League of Legends meta had changed, it seems that the LCS region was experimenting with all sorts of champions, however, in the end only one team can be victorious in these Bo3s. 

Game 1 Team Liquid Honda vs Shopify Rebellion (1-0)

TL Role SR
Impact Udyr TOP K'Sante FakeGod
UmTi Maokai JNG Zyra Tomio
APA Tristana MID Corki Insanity
Yeon Zeri BOT Ezreal Bvoy
CoreJJ Rakan SUP Nautilus Zeyzal

Game 2 Team Liquid Honda vs Shopify Rebellion (2-0)

SR Role TL
FakeGod Udyr TOP K'Sante Impact
Tomio Brand JNG Maokai UmTi
Insanity Tristana MID Corki APA
Bvoy Varus BOT Lucian Yeon
Zeyzal Leona SUP Nami CoreJJ

Team Liquid Honda was unstoppable against Shopify Rebellion, proving why this team deserves to be considered the best of the best in the LCS region. APA and Yeon were able to carry their team without any major mistakes whilst SR tried their best to equalize the game state, however a few badly played team fights pushed them into a corner. 

And that covers all of the games from the second week day two matches of the LCS 2024 Summer Split. This format is proving to be very effective as a lot of fans and players are already providing positive feedback. The League of Legends Esports scene is still going strong, despite the recent news regarding the changes to the LCS, but hopefully, Riot Games will continue investing in the pro scene as the game has more or less skyrocketed Esports into mainstream relevance. 
