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LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W3D1

We will go over all of the matches that were played during the first day of the third week of the League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split Regular Season.

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Results: W3D1

The League Championship Series 2024 Summer Split has kicked off with many new exciting stages, as well as some unfortunate news regarding the future of the region. Recently, it was announced that the LCS will be decreasing the number of competing teams from eight to six, so we will be seeing a lot less action come 2025. 

However, the region has also introduced format changes to its Summer Split Championship so fans will have a lot more time watching their favorite teams perform and adapt to the meta and strategies as the Regular Season will consist of best-of-three (Bo3) matches for a more intense and enjoyable experience for both the fans and players. It also seems that fans are enjoying the new approach by the LCS to promote competitive rivalries and even trash-talking as a means to bring more hype to the pro scene. 



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season Matches

LCS 2024 Summer Split Matches

The LCS Regular Season will consist of a single round-robin Best-of-3 format given the vast amount of feedback from the fan base and pros. This will not only help teams practice for the international stage but also have a lot more time dedicated to each team and their performance instead of spreading both the fans and casters thin. 

LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season IMT vs NRG

The Bo3s of the Summer Split are in full throttle. The League of Legends pro players are showing a lot more resourcefulness as well as utilizing new strategies this time around. 

Game 1 Immortals Progressive vs NRG KIA (0-1)

Castle Renekton TOP Jax Dhokla
Armao Zyra JNG Sejuani Contractz
Mask Corki MID Aurelion Sol Palafox
Tactical Ezreal BOT Kalista FBI
Olleh Leona SUP Ashe huhi

Game 2 Immortals Progressive vs NRG KIA (0-2)

Castle K'Sante TOP Twisted Fate Dhokla
Armao Ivern JNG Sejuani Contractz
Mask Corki MID Azir Palafox
Tactical Lucian BOT Kalista FBI
Olleh Nami SUP Ashe huhi

Both games were fairly even with IMT and NRG having an equal chance of success, however, NRG was able to win a crucial team fight as the Aurelion Sol scaled immensely. In the second game, things looked even more tense as both teams were constantly back to back in terms of gold and objectives, but ultimately, NRG was able to close out the series with a clean 2-0.



LCS 2024 Summer Split Regular Season 100 vs TL

The second match of the day was much akin to the first series. The League of Legends meta has changed, and it seems that the LCS region was experimenting with all sorts of champions, however, in the end, only one team can be victorious in these Bo3s. 

Game 1 100 Thieves vs Team Liquid Honda (0-1)

100 Role TL
Sniper Skarner TOP Mordekaiser Impact
River Brand JNG Sejuani UmTi
Quid  Ezreal MID Corki APA
Meech Aphelios BOT Lucian Yeon
Eyla Leona SUP Nami CoreJJ

Game 2 100 Thieves vs Team Liquid Honda (0-2)

100 Role TL
Sniper Skarner TOP K'Sante Impact
River Zyra JNG Sejuani UmTi
Quid  Ezreal MID Ziggs APA
Meech Ashe BOT Zeri Yeon
Eyla Seraphine SUP Alistar CoreJJ

TL looked very dominant in both games, denying any comeback opportunities from 100. Although there were some very questionable plays, ultimately Team Liquid Honda was able to close out the series in a clean 2-0 fashion. 

And that covers all of the games from the third week day one matches of the LCS 2024 Summer Split. This format is proving to be very effective as a lot of fans and players are already providing positive feedback. The League of Legends Esports scene is still going strong, despite the recent news regarding the changes to the LCS, but hopefully, Riot Games will continue investing in the pro scene as the game has more or less skyrocketed Esports into mainstream relevance. 
