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League of Legends: 5 Best Miss Fortune Skins to Buy

We're taking a look at the 5 best MF skins to get in LoL.

League of Legends: 5 Best Miss Fortune Skins to Buy
Riot Games

When it comes to skins, Miss Fortune is probably League of Legends' favorite champion. She has a lot of cosmetics to choose from in LoL. With 14 skins and one more on its way as of July, Miss Fortune has one of the largest collections in the game. To celebrate the upcoming Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune release, we're taking a look at Miss Fortune's best skins in League of Legends that you should totally get.

5. Captain Miss Fortune

Capitain MF
Riot Games

Price: 975 RP

This skin might be old, but it completely captures Miss Fortune's essence. In it, she's a fierce pirate captain, looking mighty and dangerous in a flamboyant outfit straight out of a pirate movie. It's just fun, given Sarah's background, and it seems so canon.


4. Gun Goddess Miss Fortune

Gun Goddess MF
Riot Games

Price: 2275 RP

Miss Fortune's ultimate skin is special, just not as special as, let's say, Lux's ultimate skin. It offers a new voiceover, SFX, VFX, as well as transformations that seem more like chroma changes. Sarah is definitely insanely hot in this skin. It's really well made and a must-have for MF mains, but the robot theme just doesn't suit her that well.


3. Ruined Miss Fortune

Ruined MF
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP

This dark theme elevates MF's pirate looks, playing on the story of Viego's return to the world of Runeterra. It's dark and spooky, fitting great with a Thresh support. It's a stunning look, mixing black, white, and the typical 'ruined' green, along with beautiful visual effects.


2. Broken Covenant Miss Fortune / Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune

Broken Covenant MF
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP / Special Price

Dark, mysterious, and magical, this skin is an art piece on the Summoner's Rift. MF really does remind you of a painting, with her hood, halo, and elegant colors. The prestige version really elevates the whole look, making it even more ethereal with its bright colors. The splash art is definitely lacking compared to MF's other portrayals in League of Legends but we'll give it a pass.


1. Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

Battle Bunny MF
Riot Games

Price: 1820 RP

Fun, cute, and really well made, the Anima Squad skin line stands out as one of the best cosmetics Riot has put out in a while. Miss Fortune hops down the Summoner's Rift like a bunny, sporting an adorable futuristic look with neon colors and cute visual effects. MF's model here is absolutely beautiful, and there's so much attention to detail—the hair, the clothes, the way she moves. It's the best combination of hot and cute!

There you have it! Five of the best Miss Fortune skins in League of Legends. Whether you're looking for something fierce, fun, or fantastical, there's a perfect MF skin for you.

Check out the rest of our LoL Skin-related content:
