LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: G2 vs T1 Results and Games

We will take a look at the fourth Bo5 of the MSI 2024 Bracket Stage between the LEC and LCK.

LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: G2 vs T1 Results and Games
Riot Games

The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Bracket Stage has begun with everything on the line for the remaining 8 teams. This stage will include a single Bo5 double-elimination format so we can expect a banger series from the get-go. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the second Bo5 series between the LEC first seed- G2 Esports as they will face the LCK second seed- T1.

Although most fans and analysts predict the LPL and LCK to dominate the tournament, a recent interview with the top laner for TES, 369, stated how much the Western players have improved in comparison to their last year's performance.

lol msi 2024 upper bracket stage game
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MSI 2024 G2 vs T1 Match Result

MSI 2024 LoL G2 vs T1
Riot Games

We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024: Game 1 G2 vs T1 0-1

G2 Role T1
BrokenBlade Yasuo TOP Twisted Fate Zeus
Yike Lillia JNG Xin Zhao Oner
Caps Tristana MID Azir Faker
Hans SamaKalista BOT Varus Gumayusi
Mikyx Rell SUP Alistar Keria

A phenomenal start to the series as a level 1 skirmish secured G2 their first kill of the game. Further down the line, Caps was able to kill Faker as Yike's gank on top secured them even more of an advantage in the early game.

Despite the great start, T1 was able to strike back and slowly start accruing minor victories, ultimately allowing them to transition to the mid game and win out the team fights as they started taking the lead in the series. After a few unfortunate objective fights, G2 was able to snag Baron, but T1 was able to chase them down and finally close out the game, securing the first win of the series.



MSI 2024: Game 2 G2 vs T1 1-1

G2 Role T1
BrokenBlade Zac TOP Ornn Zeus
Yike Rek'Sai JNG Viego Oner
Caps Orianna MID Taliyah Faker
Hans SamaKalista BOT Varus Gumayusi
Mikyx Leona SUP Neeko Keria

This time around, G2 seemed shaken from their defeat as T1 was able to punish Mikyx for his overextension, slowly accruing a gold lead. 

Despite the rocky start, G2 showed a much more composed approach, allowing them to slowly punish T1's mistake and take control of the game. Incredible team fighting as the top-jungle duo of BrokenBlade and Yike absolutely snowballed G2's advantage, allowing them to secure the Baron and choke out T1 out of resources.

After a nerve-wracking fight, G2 laid siege to T1's base and equalized the series 1-1. 

MSI 2024: Game 3 G2 vs T1 2-1

T1 Role G2
Zeus Twisted Fate TOP Yasuo BrokenBlade
Oner Jarvan IV JNG Vi Yike
Faker Aurelion Sol MID Orianna Caps
Gumayusi Kalista BOT Varus Hans Sama
Keria Camille SUP Poppy Mikyx

A rather slower start to the game as both teams seemingly were equal in gold and kills, however, G2 was able to further push their momentum and start gaining small advantages against the 2023 World Champions. Caps, Mikyx, and BrokenBlade played out of their mind, winning crucial team fights and skirmishes.

Although T1 was able to keep their cool and punish over-aggressive plays, ultimately, the LEC first seed was able to once again defeat T1, leading the series 2-1.



MSI 2024: Game 4 G2 vs T1 2-2

T1 Role G2
Zeus K'Sante TOP Poppy BrokenBlade
Oner Xin Zhao JNG Rek'Sai Yike
Faker Azir MID Orianna Caps
Gumayusi Varus BOT Kog'Maw Hans Sama
Keria Bard SUP Renata Glasc Mikyx

A rather slower game, both teams were carefully navigating the lanes as both junglers did not have any clean opportunities for a gank, however, T1 ripped open the game with 4 for 1 exchange, allowing them to slowly start creeping up and deny G2 out of a chance to establish a lead in the mid game. 

As the game progressed, G2 was unable to efficiently take objectives and fights, as T1 started pushing them into a corner. With little to no hope of a comeback, T1 viciously punished G2 for their overaggressive plays and ultimately led to a massive snowball in the favor of T1.

In the end, the LCK World Champions managed to ace G2 and take the series to silver scrapes with everything on the line for both teams to win it all.

MSI 2024: Game 5 G2 vs T1 2-3

G2 Role T1
BrokenBlade Zac TOP K'Sante Zeus
Yike Bel'Veth JNG Lee Sin Oner
Caps Taliyah MID Ahri Faker
Hans SamaJinx BOT Varus Gumayusi
Mikyx Poppy SUP Kalista Keria

With everything on the line, both teams looked for very aggressive plays and lane swaps, as G2 was able to secure first blood and a major kill onto Zeus in the top lane, further propelling Hans Sama's Jinx. 

Although G2 were able to get some amazing picks, their confidence quickly bit them back as they underestimated the enemy team's position. Faker was able to pop off on his Ahri, as the best midlaner in the world was struggling to find his ground in the previous 4 games.

Despite a terrible fight that led T1 to get the Baron, but Hans Sama and BrokenBlade were able to clean up 4 of the enemy team members, leaving only Faker with the Baron buff.

After a very close series, T1 was able to suffocate G2 and ultimately win the series 3-2. An amazing performance by both teams, showcasing just how much talent the pro scene has in all regions.
