LoL MSI 2024 Semifinal: BLG vs T1 Results and Games

We will take a look at the second Semifinal of the League of Legends 2024 MSI between the LCK and LPL.

LoL MSI 2024 Semifinal: T1 vs BLG Results and Games
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The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Bracket Stage has begun with everything on the line for the remaining 3 teams. This stage will include a single Bo5 double-elimination format so we can expect a banger series from the get-go. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the second Bo5 series between the  LPL first seed- Bilibili Gaming as they face the LCK second seed- T1 

Although most fans and analysts predict the LPL and LCK to dominate the tournament, a recent interview with the top laner for TES, 369, stated how much the Western players have improved in comparison to their last year's performance.

lol msi 2024 upper bracket stage game
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MSI 2024 T1 vs BLG Match Result

MSI 2024 LoL T1 vs BLG
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We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024: Game 1 BLG vs T1 1-0

BLG Role T1
Bin Twisted Fate TOP K'Sante Zeus
Xun Xin Zhao JNG Sejuani Oner
knight Taliyah MID Tristana Faker
Elk Kalista BOT Senna Gumayusi
ON Renata Glasc SUP Nautilus Keria

An explosive start to the series as Faker's Tristana was able to secure a kill onto Elk as T1 looked set on reclaiming their glory. Following a small skirmish in the LCK's jungle, Faker was able to get another kill as Oner fell to knight and Xun. The LPL team was very aggressive, however, T1 was able to punish BLG with Faker securing even more kills on his Tristana. 

The game was marked with so many bloody fights, with T1 ultimately coming on top and getting an ace against BLG. A very dominant performance by BLG as they were able to create a 5K gold lead at the 24-minute mark, pushing T1 further and further into a corner. A very back-and-forth first game, ultimately leading to BLG's first win in the series.



MSI 2024: Game 2 BLG vs T1 1-1

T1 Role BLG
Zeus Camille TOP K'Sante Bin
Oner Sejuani JNG Wukong Xun
Faker Akali MID Neeko knight
Gumayusi Draven BOT Varus Elk
Keria Ashe SUP Kalista ON

Another bloody start as both teams were able to secure kills for their bot lane, however, the chaotic skirmishes that occurred from lane swaps led to some questionable dives and fights. An incredible triple kill by Gumayusi's Draven, further snowballed the bot lane lead in T1's favor.

A very dominant performance on the side of the LCK team as they quickly snowballed their lead into a very oppressive mid game, landing a 7K gold lead. Despite BLG getting some great fights, the unstoppable warpath of Gumayusi remained unchallenged as T1 was able to strike back and secure their first win in the series.

MSI 2024: Game 3 BLG vs T1 2-1

BLG Role T1
Bin Twisted Fate TOP Yasuo Zeus
Xun Xin Zhao JNG Nidalee Oner
knight Annie MID Zac Faker
Elk Senna BOT Kalista Gumayusi
ON Ornn SUP Nautilus Keria

A clean first blood from Oner's Nidalee as he was able to catch Xun off guard, however, BLG was able to quickly strike back an even the kill score. Despite some shaky plays on the side of BLG, ultimately T1 was backed into a corner following Bin's huge presence with his Twisted Fate.

Following two deciding team fights from BLG, the LPL first seed was able to accrue a significant gold lead and deny T1 from any objectives, further snowballing their advantage and ultimately closing out the game in 23 minutes. 



MSI 2024: Game 4 BLG vs T1 2-2

T1 Role BLG
Zeus K'Sante TOP Twisted Fate Bin
Oner Viego JNG Vi Xun
Faker Aurelion Sol MID Corki knight
Gumayusi Senna BOT Varus Elk
Keria Ornn SUP Nautilus ON

With T1 at the precipice of elimination, BLG was able to punish the LCK team's mistakes, as the 2023 World Champions seemed eager to get a winning position. Despite BLG pushing T1 into a difficult position, the LCK second seed was able to hold their ground and stabilize the game enough for Faker's Aurelion Sol to scale up.

A crucial team fight at mid secured T1 the first Baron of the game, building up momentum and pushing BLG to play more defensively. Following a siege onto BLG's base, T1 was able to win a huge fight around drake and deny the LPL from Cloud Soul. 

A very close fight around Baron was able to stall T1 from further steamrolling BLG as Bin's Twisted Fate was crucial in taking down Faker. A fantastic pincer attack by T1 allowed them to ace BLG once more and get themselves the Baron buff. After a nail-biting siege, T1 was able to equalize the series and go to silver scrapes.



MSI 2024: Game 5 BLG vs T1 3-2

BLG Role T1
Bin Camille TOP K'Sante Zeus
Xun Xin Zhao JNG Viego Oner
knight Neeko MID Taliyah Faker
Elk Senna BOT Varus Gumayusi
ON Ornn SUP Nautilus Keria

With everything on the line, both teams tried to establish early leads, however, Bin's Camille was able to shine bright in the first crucial fight around Herald. BLG seemed on the verge of victory as T1 was barely able to suppress their snowballing lead. 

With their backs against the wall, the LCK team was demolished as BLG sieged on towards victory and will fight GEN in the Finals as T1 was eliminated from the tournament.

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