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LoL New Champion Smolder - Leaked Abilities & Ingame Model

League of Legend's new dragon ADC's abilities and ingame model got leaked, giving players and idea what the gameplay will be like.

LoL New Champion Smolder - Leaked Abilities & Ingame Model
Riot Games

Just yesterday, Riot Games unveiled a teaser for League of Legends' upcoming dragon ADC, Smolder. The anticipation for this new LoL champion is high, and while the official release is expected in early Season 14 of LoL, some leaked details about Smolder's abilities and in-game model have surfaced.

Smolder's Abilities

Smolder Abilities League of Legends
Riot Games


As anticipated for a dragon ADC, Smolder's abilities are centered around fire. In a leaked in-game image, the new champion is depicted 'spiting fire' on the Summoner's Rift. While this aligns with expectations, witnessing Smolder in action is still intriguing.

Smolder is the brand new name in League of Legend's roaster of champions. The cute little dragon ADC was revealed recently and in this article we're taking a look at all of his abilities (although they were leaked a few minutes before the offical releace)

Passive: Dragon Practice

When Smolder hits champions with abilities and kills them with Super Scorched breath, he's granted a stack of Dragon Practice. Stacking it increases his basic ability damage.

Q: Super Scorcher Breath

Smolder belches flame at his enemies. This ability evolves as it's stacked:

  • 25: Damages all enemies surrounding the target.
  • 125: Sends explosions behind the target that deal 75% of this spell’s damage.
  • 225: Burns the target dealing max health true damage over 3 seconds. Enemy champions that drop below a total health threshold while burning are killed instantly



W: Achooo!

Smolder lets out a fiery sneeze, damaging and slowing enemies hit. Hitting champions causes an additional explosion.

E: Flap, Flap, Flap

Smolder takes flight, gaining Move Speed and ignoring terrain for 1.25 seconds. While flying, Smolder attacks the lowest health enemy.


Smolder’s mom breathes fire from above, dealing extra damage and slowing enemies in the center of her fire. Smolder’s mom also heals her son if she hits him.



Smolder's Gameplay

Smolder Leaked Abilities
Riot Games

Leaks suggest that Smolder will embody the characteristics of a typical ADC, making him a potential go-to champion for the League of Legends bot lane, akin to champions like Miss Fortune and Ashe. Described as 'super easy to play,'

Smolder will require players to focus on farming and positioning, essential aspects for any ADC champion. The community eagerly awaits to see if Smolder will become a timeless classic in the League of Legends roster or fade into obscurity like some of the newer characters.



Smolder's Release Date

Although the official release date for Smolder is yet to be confirmed, it is highly probable that he will make his debut in League of Legends at the commencement of Season 14. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting addition to the game!
