LoL Patch 13.20 Full Patch Notes (Champ Buffs & Nerfs)

A huge new wave of champion buffs and nerfs, the K'Sante changes, and item adjustments!

LoL Patch 13.20 Full Patch Notes
Riot Games

Patch 13.20 was toted to be a massive one, and these new patch notes do not disappoint. Here is every major change coming to the rift that you must know!



Key Champion Nerfs:



Q - Avengerang

  • Bonus Movement Speed: 40% ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40%

E - Heroic Swing

  • Damage per Shot: 30/45/60/75/90 (+17.5% bonus AD) (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus attack speed) ⇒ 25/40/55/70/85 (+17.5% bonus AD) (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus attack speed)



Passive - Death In Lavender

  • Bonus Attack Speed After Spell Cast: 25-50% (scales linearly based on level) ⇒ 20-40% (scales using stat progression multiplier)

E - Royal Maelstrom

  • newCritical Stabby Stabs: Damage from Bel'Veth's E can now critically strike.
  • Damage Reduction: 70% ⇒ 42/49/56/63/70%
  • Minimum Physical Damage: 8/10/12/14/16 (+6% AD) ⇒ 6/7/8/9/10 (+8% AD)
  • Minimum On Hit Damage: 6% ⇒ 8%

R - Endless Banquet

  • Remora Health: 40/50/60% of minion's maximum health ⇒ 20/45/70% of minion's maximum health
  • True Form Out-of-Combat Movement Speed: 25/50/75 ⇒ 10/45/80



Base Stats

  • Armor: 28 ⇒ 25



Base Stats

  • Base Health: 603 ⇒ 565
  • Movement Speed: 335 ⇒ 330
  • Attack Damage Growth: 2.4 ⇒ 2.7



W - Living Shadow

  • Cooldown: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 seconds ⇒ 20/19.25/18.5/17.75/17 seconds


Champion Adjustments:



Base Stats

  • Base Health: 610 ⇒ 570
  • Health Growth: 108 ⇒ 115
  • Armor Growth: 4.7 ⇒ 5.2

Passive - Dauntless Instinct

  • All Out Bonus Damage: 35% (+20% per 100 bonus armor) (+20% per 100 bonus magic resistance) ⇒ 35%

Q - Ntofo Strikes

  • (new) Not so Flash: Recasting K'Sante's third Q will now disable Flash during its windup
  • (new) Stat Check: Shift-Tooltip now shows your progress on the Armor/MR and HP for cooldown and cast time
  • Physical Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+40% AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance) ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150 (+40% AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance)

W - Path Maker

  • Mana Cost: 75/80/85/90/95 ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80
  • (new) Minimum Channel Time: 0.65 seconds (Note: Maximum channel time is unchanged at 1 second)
  • (new) Maximum Damage: Path Maker's damage, crowd control, dash distance, and all other outputs will no longer be tied to the ability's charge time
  • Damage Reduction: 25% (+10% per 100 bonus armor) (+10% per 100 bonus magic resistance) (+1% per 100 bonus health) ⇒ 40-65% (based on champion level)
  • Stun Duration: 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 - 0.85/0.95/1.05/1.15/1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.25 seconds
  • Damage: 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 - 7/7.25/7.5/7.75/8% of target's maximum health ⇒ 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% total AD) (+30% bonus armor) (+30% bonus magic resistance) (+6/7/8/9/10% of target's maximum health)

W - Path Maker (All Out Version)

  • (new) Minimum Channel Time: 0.5 seconds (Note: Maximum channel time is unchanged at 1 second)
  • (new) Maximum Damage: Path Maker's damage, crowd control, dash distance, and all other outputs will now always deal the maximum corresponding values and will no longer be tied to the ability's charge time
  • Damage Reduction: 30% (+12% per 100 bonus armor) (+12% per 100 bonus magic resistance) (+1.2% per 100 bonus health) ⇒ 50-75% (based on champion level)
  • (removed) All Out of Extra Damage: While All Out, Path Maker will no longer deal extra damage (aside from the bonus AD provided upon entering All Out)
  • Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds ⇒ 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds

R - All Out

  • Maximum Health Threshold: 55% ⇒ 65%
  • Knockback Distance: 350 ⇒ 300
  • Damage on Initial Cast: 35/70/105 (+ 20% AD) physical damage ⇒ 70/110/150 (+65% AP) magic damage
  • Damage on Successful Wall Slam: 150/250/350 physical damage ⇒ 70/110/150 (+65% AP) magic damage
  • Attack Resets: Attack reset timing has been slowed down to match K'Sante's base form
  • (new) All Out (of stacks): Casting All Out will now reset Q - Ntofo Strikes' current stacks
  • Bonus Attack Damage Gained: 5 (+32.5% bonus armor) (+32.5% bonus magic resistance) ⇒ 15/30/45 (+25% bonus armor) (+25% bonus magic resistance)
  • Healing: 10% (+0.75% per 100 bonus health) omnivamp ⇒ 10/15/20% healing on all damage versus champions
  • (new) Weights are Off: K'Sante now gains 25/35/45% bonus attack speed when All Out


Key Champion Buffs:



W - Shield of Durand

  • Cooldown: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds ⇒ 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
  • Shield Out-of-Combat Timer: 12 seconds ⇒ 12/11/8 seconds (levels 1/6/11)



Base Stats

  • Health Growth: 100 ⇒ 105

Passive - Get Excited!

  • (new) Stacks on Stacks: The 25% bonus total attack speed gained from Get Excited! on takedowns now stacks.

R - Super Mega Death Rocket!

  • Cooldown: 75/65/55 seconds ⇒ 70/60/50 seconds
  • Minimum Damage: 30/45/60 (+15% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health) ⇒ 32.5/47.5/62.5 (+16.5% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health)
  • Maximum Damage: 300/450/600 (+150% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health) ⇒ 325/475/625 (+165% bonus AD) (+25/30/35% of target's missing health)



Passive - Passive - Fired Up

  • On Fire: Burn damage now counts as Milio's damage even when applied through allies, allowing it to interact with a select number of items like Hextech Putrifier. Burn damage will still grant the ally who applied the debuff the kill, preventing Milio from accidentally kill stealing confirming kills.

E - Warm Hugs

  • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
  • Shield Strength: 60/85/110/135/160 (+30% AP) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+30% AP)

R - Breath Of Life

  • Healing: 150/250/350 (+30% AP) ⇒ 150/250/350 (+50% AP)



W - Tormented Shadow

  • Magic Damage per Second: 12/22/32/42/52 (+14% AP) ⇒ 12/22/32/42/52 (+17% AP)
  • Monster Damage Modifier: 155% ⇒ 165%

E - Black Shield

  • Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds ⇒ 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds

R - Soul Shackles

  • Bonus Movement Speed: 5/30/55% while facing towards tethered enemies ⇒ 10/35/60% in all directions
  • Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
  • Magic Damage: 150/225/300 (+70% AP) ⇒ 175/250/325 (+80% AP) (Note: this will still hit twice, once upon initial cast and a second time when the tether stuns)



Q - Bouncing Bomb

  • Explosion Hitbox: 150 ⇒ 180


Item Adjustments:


Blighting Jewel

  • Total Price: 1250 gold ⇒ 1100 gold


Duskblade of Draktharr

  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Damage Amplification: 0-18% (at 0-70% missing health) ⇒ 0-16% (at 0-70% missing health)


Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Giant Slayer Passive: 0-25% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the user (maximum at 2500 more) ⇒ 0-22% increased Physical and Magic damage against targets with more maximum health than the user (maximum at 2500 more)
  • newUpdated Math: Passive - Giant Slayer now applies before Shields and Lifesteal are calculated


Youmuu's Ghostblade

  • Spectral Shard Lethality: 3-12 (level 7-18) ⇒ 7-18 (level 7-18)


  • One at a Time: All champions may now only buy one Doran's item


Doran's Blade

  • Attack Damage: 8 ⇒ 10
  • Health: 80 ⇒ 100


Doran's Ring

  • Ability Power: 15 ⇒ 18
  • Health:70 ⇒ 90


Doran's Shield

  • Health: 80 ⇒ 110
  • Regeneration when Damage: 0-40 health over 8 seconds ⇒ 0-45 over 8 seconds (Note: maximum is unchanged at 25% remaining health)


Dark Seal

  • Stack Friendly: Dark Seal is not unique with other Doran's items, so feel free to pick both up
  • Health: 40 ⇒ 50


Relic Shield

  • Ability Power: 5 ⇒ 7
  • Health: 30 ⇒ 50


Steel Shoulderguards

  • Attack Damage: 3 ⇒ 4
  • Health: 30 ⇒ 50


Spectral Sickle

  • Attack Damage: 5 ⇒ 6
  • Health: 10 ⇒ 25


Spellthief's Edge

  • Ability Power: 8 ⇒ 10
  • Health: 10 ⇒ 25


Rune Adjustments:



  • Attack Damage per Stack: 1.2-2.7 (based on level) bonus AD ⇒ 1.08-2.4 (based on level) bonus AD
  • Ability Power per Stack: 2-4.5 (based on level) AP ⇒ 1.8-2.4 (based on level) AP
  • Attack Damage at Maximum Stacks: 14.4-32.4 (based on level) bonus AD ⇒ 12.96-28.8 (based on level) bonus AD
  • Ability Power at Maximum Stacks: 24-54 (based on level) bonus AP ⇒ 21.6-48 (based on level) bonus AP


Lethal Tempo

  • Attack Speed per Stack (Melee): 10-15% ⇒ 9-13.5%
  • Attack Speed per Stack (Ranged): 4-9% ⇒ 3.6-8%



  • Damage: 30-180 (based on level) (+40% bonus AD) (+25% AP) ⇒ 30-220 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


Dark Harvest

  • Adaptive Damage: 20-60 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+25% bonus AD) (+15% AP) ⇒ 20-80 (based on level) (+ 5 per Soul) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


Arcane Comet

  • Adaptive Damage: 30-100 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+20% AP) ⇒ 30-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


Summon Aery

  • Adaptive Damage: 10-40 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+10% AP) ⇒ 10-50 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)
  • Shield: 30-75 (based on level) (+35% bonus AD) (+22.5% AP) ⇒ 30-100 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


Fleet Footwork

  • Heal: 10-100 (based on level) (+30% bonus AD) (+20% AP) ⇒ 10-130 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)


First Strike

  • Bonus True Damage: 9% ⇒ 8%


Taste of Blood

  • Healing: 16-30 (based on level) (+15% bonus AD) (+8% AP) ⇒ 16-40 (based on level) (+10% bonus AD) (+5% AP)



  • Adaptive Force: 5-30 (based on level) ⇒ 13-30 (based on level)
  • Movement Speed: 25 ⇒ 10



Final Thoughts:

Patch 13.20 is changing everything. At GameLeap, we offer hundreds of in-depth video guides teaching you to master every champion in League of Legends. Check out our library of 1300 guides via this link to get started!