Lords of the Fallen: How Does Multiplayer Work?

Here's what we know about the possibility of multiplayer in this long-awaited sequel.

Lords of the Fallen: How Does Multiplayer Work?
Hexworks / CI Games

The Lords of the Fallen, set to launch this October, is a sequel to the 2014 title of the same name, featuring a storyline that unfolds a thousand years after the events of the original game. Players will embark on a perilous journey across the dark and foreboding realm of Mournstead, where they'll face numerous formidable challenges, including intense boss battles.

The Souls and Soulslike genres are renowned for their difficulty, and having a companion join your adventure can significantly enhance the overall experience. Multiplayer elements have become a defining feature in these games, whether it's ringing the hunting bell in Bloodborne or summoning fellow players in Elden Ring. Now, players are curious to know if The Lords of the Fallen follows this tradition and includes multiplayer functionality.

Does Lords of the Fallen have coop?
Hexworks / CI Games



Does The Lords of the Fallen Offer Multiplayer?

Indeed, The Lords of the Fallen does include multiplayer features.

In this game, players can join forces with a friend using the co-op mechanics. Unlike Elden Ring, you won't need any in-game items to set up multiplayer in The Lords of the Fallen. Instead, you can seamlessly enter another player's game and appear right beside them.

An intriguing aspect that distinguishes this co-op experience is the ability to revive your teammate. This feature is expected to enhance accessibility compared to other Souls titles, where if your partner's health depletes, they perish, requiring a resurrection to continue enjoying multiplayer.

Nonetheless, the path to victory won't be a cakewalk in co-op mode. Enabling online multiplayer carries the risk of inviting formidable invaders into your realm, making it essential to remain vigilant and ready for combat. So, as you prepare to explore the dark world of The Lords of the Fallen, consider teaming up with a friend to face the challenges that await.
