Manor Lords: All Buildings and Extensions Explained

Here's every building and extension you can build in your settlement in the early access version of Manor Lords!

Manor Lords: All Buildings and Extensions Explained
Slavic Magic

Even in early access, Manor Lords has a ton of build variety to get your teeth into. In fact, building out your settlement to be as self-reliant as possible is the best way to build a village worthy of lordship.

There's a lot to learn. So, consider this your go-to guide for what every building does in Manor Lords so you can build a town worth writing home about.

All Buildings in Manor Lords:

Manor Lords Village
Manor Lords
Apiary  Build in wooded areas to generate Honey from bees.
Bloomery  Converts the Iron Ore resource into Iron Slabs, which can then be turned into Tools at the Smithy.
Burgage Plot This is an adjustable housing plot with space for various extensions if you build a single house big enough.
Charcoal Kiln Converts Firewood into Charcoal, which is used as a more potent fuel resource for your settlement.
Clay Furnace Allows for the production of Clay Tiles from Clay, which are a key mid-game building resource.
Corpse Pit Build a Corpse Pit to dispose of the bodies of raiders who are slain on your land. Failing to do so will upset your citizens due to the presence of rotting carcasses.
Communal Oven Converts Flour into Bread, a tier 2 food source for your population.
Dyer's Workshop Convert your basic food source, Berries, into valuable Dyes.





Farmhouse  Build as a central hub of operation for your farmers in nearby fields. It will also convert newly harvested Wheat into Grain.
Field  Create Fields to plant whatever crops you wish, from Wheat and Flax to Fallow and Barley.
Firewood Cart This cart produces Firewood via automatic trade, meaning it costs Regional Wealth to maintain.
Food Cart This cart produces Bread via automatic trade, meaning it costs Regional Wealth to maintain.
Forager Hut Hut to gather nearby Berries for eating and producing Dyes.
Forester's Hut Workers assigned here will plant new trees, key to maintaining heavily forested areas.
Granary  A storage building for protecting food resources from the elements.
Hitching Post Use this to store Horses and Oxen, as well as recruit new livestock. It can be upgraded to increase livestock storage capacity.
Hunting Camp Build to hunt nearby wildlife to generate Meat and Hides. Just be sure to set a hunting limit on the building so you don't over-hunt.
Logging Camp Build to gather Timber from nearby trees, the most fundamental building resource.
Livestock Trading Post Use to import new livestock, including your village's very first sheep!
Marketplace  Make room for market stalls that your citizens will set up to peddle wares.
Malthouse Converts the Barley resource into Malt.
Manor Your new home! Building a Manor allows you to set taxes, begin planning your castle layout, and more.
Mining Pit Build to gather Clay or Iron Ore from their deposits.
Pack Station Assign a Mule here to set up barter connections between two regions you control.
Pasture  This field provides space for livestock like Sheep to graze.
Sawpit  Build this nearby your Logging Camp to quickly convert Timber into Planks, a more advanced building resource.





Settlers Camp Your first building upon settling a new region.
Sheep Farm Build this to store and rear Sheep for Wool.
Shrine  For now, the Shrine is only cosmetic, though it is sure to serve a purpose in the future.
Smithy  This is where you'll be sending Iron Clabs to turn them into Tools.
Stonecutter Camp Build to gather Stone from deposits.
Storehouse  Build for general storage.
Tannery  Converts Hides into Leather, a basic form of clothing and a crafting resource.
Tavern  The Tavern provides much-needed entertainment for your population, though will require Ale to function. Import the Ale if you can't craft it!
Trading Post Use to import and export goods to traders who pass through your settlement.
Weaver Workshop Converts Wool, Flax, or Linen into Yarn.
Well A Well provides drinkable water to all nearby citizens and their homes.
Windmill Converts Grain into Flour, ready for baking.
Woodcutter's Lodge Woodcutters will harvest trees and convert them into Firewood.
Wooden Church Provides Faith to your citizen's homes, crucial for upgrading their houses.


All Burgage Extensions in Manor Lords:

Manor Lords Vegetable Extension
Manor Lords Vegetable Extension
Apple Orchard Build to produce Apples.
Armorer's Workshop Produces basic armor like Helmets and Mail Armor, as well as Plate Armor.
Bakery Extension Build to produce Bread.
Blacksmith's Workshop Produces Tools, and weapons such as Sidearms, Spears, and Polearms.
Bowyer's Workshop Build to produce Warbows.
Brewery  Build to produce Ale.
Chicken Coop Provides a steady supply of Eggs.
Cobbler's Workshop Provides a steady supply of Shoes.
Goat Shed Provides a steady supply of Hides.
Joiner's Workshop Produces Wooden Parts and Shields.
Tailor's Workshop Produces Clothes, Cloaks, and Gambesons.
Vegetable Garden Produces Vegetables, scaling up the bigger you build the yard.

And that's every building you can build so far in Manor Lords in early access! There'll certainly be more to come, especially given we're currently missing a proper Brewery building for converting Malt into Ale. We'll be sure to update this article when that arrives.

For now, here are a few more guides for Manor Lords you might be interested in:
