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Manor Lords: How to Get More Development Points

In this article, we are going to go over Development Points in Manor Lords, how they work and how you can get more of them!

Manor Lords: How to Get More Development Points
Slavic Magic

Every strategy city-building game can be complicated and overwhelming once you start learning it, and even though Manor Lords is one of the more accessible ones, it's still quite complex when compared to games from other genres. In Manor Lords, you progress through the game by expanding your settlement and increasing your population all while dealing with hazardous weather effects, the effects of different seasons, and battles against raiders, bandits, and enemy Lords. Knowing how to be efficient and making the right decisions is crucial for the survival of your civilization, and one of the best ways to quickly progress through the game is through Development Points.

Development Points allow you to specialize your town and improve different sectors by unlocking new buildings or new passive skills that will increase your efficiency. In this article, we are going to go over how you can get these Development Points and how you should be spending them.

Manor Lords Development Points
Slavic Magic



What Are Development Points in Manor Lords?

Development Points in Manor Lords are used to unlock new skills, passives, and buildings from the in-game development tree. You can locate this tree by clicking on the name of your region at the top of the screen, and inside of it, you will find four different sections which you can improve. These sections include Farming, Trade, Industry, and Gathering, and each of them has its own set of unique perks which you can unlock by spending Development Points. These can be anything from unlocking buildings such as Orchards and Apiaries to more passive effects such as doubling the amount of meat harvested by hunters.

Depending on where you decide to spend your Development Points, you might have an entirely different experience across your playthroughs, as each of these upgrades is very significant and will make your settlement much more efficient.

Manor Lords Development Tree
Slavic Magic



How to Get More Development Points in Manor Lords

The only way to earn Development Points in Manor Lords is by upgrading the level of your settlement. You can currently level up your settlement six times, going from a 'Settler's Camp' all the way up to a 'Large Town', which means that you are going to be limited to six Development Points per region. Each region you claim will have its own development tree, so the bonuses from your main settlement will not carry over to your new lands. There is also no way to respec your development tree, so every choice you make is going to be final unless you reload from an earlier save point.

Here are all of the different settlement levels, as well as their requirements, so you can see how much you need to invest for each Development Point in Manor Lords:

Level Requirements

Settler's Camp

  • Default

Small Village

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x5

Medium Village

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x5
  • Level 2 Burgage Plots x2

Large Village

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x10
  • Level 2  Burgage Plots x5

Small Town

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x10
  • Level 2 Burgage Plots x7
  • Level 3 Burgage Plots x3

Medium Town

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x10
  • Level 2 Burgage Plots x10
  • Level 3 Burgage Plots x10

Large Town

  • Level 1 Burgage Plots x30
  • Level 2 Burgage Plots x20
  • Level 3 Burgage Plots x15

That is everything you need to know about what Development Points are and how you can get more of them in Manor Lords. Make sure to explore all the different things you can unlock in your development tree, as most choices will have a significant impact on how your game progresses. Hopefully, this guide has helped you, and if you are interested in more Manor Lords news and guides, check out the rest of our website!
