Mobile Legends Heroes Tier List December 2023

In this article, we will be ranking all the heroes in Mobile Legends Season 30, based on the current meta in December 2023.

Mobile Legends Bang Bang Heroes Tier List

Mobile Legends Season 30 is nearing its end and is set to conclude on December 23 and with that in mind, we will be taking a look into the current meta and ranking every Mobile Legends hero from best to worst.




Mobile Legends Fighter Tier List - December 2023

Guinevere Lotus.png

Ranking Fighter Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier

Guinivere, Yu Zhong, Martis, Terizla, Arlott, X Borg - These heroes are strong throughout the whole game due to their high damage, versatility, defense and crowd control skills with great spellvamp and short cooldowns.

A Tier Dyroth, Paquito, Jawhead, Alpha, Hilda, Roger, Julian - Starting off very strong, these heroes easily deal with enemies, gaining an advantage from the early stages. 
B Tier Esmeralda, Lapu-Lapu, Chou, Freya, Yin, Aulus, Masha - Although they do great in the earlier stages, their late game performance is not as impressive.
C Tier Aldous, Ruby, Bane, Fredrinn, Silvanna, Minsitthar, Thamuz, Alucard, Badang, Argus, Leomord - These heroes offer a more balanced gameplay experience throughout the whole match.
D Tier Kaja, Zilong, Balmond, Sun - With more cons than pros, these fighters are easily outmatched.



Mobile Legends Tank Tier List - December 2023

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Ranking Tank Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier Minotaur, Baxia, Belerick, Edith - They offer the best combination of versatility, CC and sustainability among tanks.
A Tier Akai, Khufra, Tigreal, Franco, Gloo - They play a crucial role in teamfights and engaging the enemy, as their CC is the best in their class.
B Tier Grock, Hylos, Atlas - These tanks are great for engaging and teamfights with great CC, but are easy to counter.
C Tier Johnson, Uranus, Gatotkaca - They are great for engaging and chasing down enemies, but their skills are easy to avoid.
D Tier Barats - Although he can deal a lot of damage, this hero is rather slow and lacks the advantages other tanks have.



Mobile Legends Marksman Tier List - December 2023

Moskov Twilight Dragon.png



Ranking Marksman Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier Wanwan, Bruno, Brody, Ixia, Melissa - With their high damage, agility and an OP Ultimate, they are the most effective marksmen in all phases.
A Tier Moskov, Granger, Hanabi, Clint - Starting off strong, these heroes have an early game advantage and can carry the game with relative ease. 
B Tier Karrie, Claude, Natan, Irithel - Ranked mid-tier due to their average early game, but if well-fed, they can gain an advantage in the mid-to-late game.
C Tier Miya, Layla, Popol and Kupa, Lesley - These marksmen are relatively weak in the early stages and only become strong if well-fed. 
D Tier Beatrix, Kimmy - Starting off weak and having many disadvantages, these heroes aren't seen as viable options.



Mobile Legends Assassin Tier List - December 2023

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Ranking Assassin Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier Nolan, Fanny, Benedetta, Gusion - Due to their high mobility, burst damage, short cooldowns and ability to carry, they stand out as the best assassins.
A Tier Harley, Karina, Joy, Hanzo - Although they are average in the early game, they are perfect for ganking and can quickly gain an advantage as the game progresses.
B Tier Ling, Lancelot, Aamon - These assassins are very mobile and provide a balanced experience throughout the whole match.
C Tier Selena, Saber, Hellcurt - These heroes are considered Glass Cannons in the early-to-mid game, but suffer late game due to their vulnerability. 
D Tier Hayabusa, Natalia, Yi Sun-Shin - These assassins are overall mediocre in all phases of the game.



Mobile Legends Mage Tier List - December 2023

Pharsa Indigo Aviatrix.png

Ranking Mage Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier Novaria, Chang'e, Harith, Liliya, Valir - Nearly flawless, these mages deal high damage in short cooldown times, are hard to counter, and can escape ganks easy.
A Tier Lunox, Gord, Odette, Kagura, Kadita, Cecilion - Their very high burst damage in all phases, effective CC, and short cooldowns give these mages an edge.
B Tier Luo Yi, Pharsa, Vale, Eudora, Xavier, Cyclops - Their abilities feature great crowd control with high damage and would be perfect for teamfights.
C Tier Zhask, Aurora, Alice, Nana - These mages deal average damage early game, but they have effective CC and deal a lot of damage in the late game.
D Tier Vexana, Valentina, Yve - They deal average damage in all phases, but these mages have their own twists and perks.




Mobile Legends Support Tier List - December 2023

Angela V.E.N.O.M Vespid.png





Ranking Support Heroes (Best to Worst)
S Tier Mathilda, Diggie - Offering a more aggressive approach, these heroes can deal high damage, while also aiding allies. 
A Tier Angela, Estes - Their main focus is to heal and keep your teammates alive.
B Tier Lolita, Faramis - Their unique abilities and CC could prove quite advantageous in teamfights.
C Tier Floryin, Rafaela - They benefit allies with healing, armor and speed while also slowing down enemies.
D Tier Carmilla - Mostly focused on weakening the enemy.





In the latest meta updates, we saw some changes, mainly in the Gold Lane. Heroes such as Wanwan and Bruno have jumped several spots in the ranking , while despite Moskov's recent revamp, he got a slight damage nerf, thus Mellisa took his place. Although Moonton has made efforts to balance Nolan, he remains a preferred choice for either play or ban.

With Season 30 coming to an end, be prepared for major shifts in the meta, as Season 31 promises the addition of new heroes and revamps for existing ones.
