Infinity Ward and other supporting studios faced challenges with the perk system during MW2's Warzone journey. Initially, Warzone didn't allow players to choose their own perks; they had to pick from preset perk packages. It wasn't until Season 2 that players gained the ability to select their own perks.
Then, Birds Eye had to be removed because it didn't function as intended, inadvertently providing free Advanced UAVs. After a long absence, Birds Eye returned to Warzone in July, reworked to reveal an enemy's location even if they had the Ghost perk equipped.

Sledgehammer Games is building upon Infinity Ward's foundation while adding its unique touch to the battle royale's perk system.
Modern Warfare 3 Warzone New Perks
Here are the three new perks coming to Warzone in Modern Warfare 3:
- Shrouded: A smoke grenade deploys when you're downed.
- Irradiated: You move faster and take less damage in gas.
- Resolute: You gain increased movement when damaged.
Ghost Reworked: Ghost now requires players to be moving for the perk to remain active.
Smoke grenades were popular tactical tools in Warzone 2, offering safe rotation and escape options during gunfights. Shrouded introduces a new twist by automatically deploying smoke cover when you're downed.

Players have been requesting improved movement speeds, and the developers have responded with two new perks to address this need. Irradiated seems to function similarly to a stim shot from WZ1, while Resolute draws inspiration from the Serpentine perk.
Lastly, Combat Scout is making a return, sure to generate discussions and debates, just as it did when it was first introduced to the battle royale.
That covers what we know about the perk changes in Warzone.