Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List: Best Solo Weapons

Trying to find the best weapon to use in MHW? You're in the right place, this article will provide Monster Hunter World weapon tier list, ranking the best solo weapons to use.

Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List: Best Solo Weapons
Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List: Best Solo Weapons

Monster Hunter World offers a diverse selection of 14 unique weapons that cater to different playstyles and situations. For hunters who prefer to play solo, choosing the right weapon can make quests much easier. Certain weapons shine when used alone against monsters, while others excel in team hunts. This weapon tier list ranks all the Monster Hunter World weapons based on their solo hunting potential.

If you are looking for the best co-op weapons, go check our MHW Best Multiplayer Weapons Tier List.

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S-Tier MHW Solo Weapons



The Greatsword is hands down the best solo weapon in Monster Hunter World.

  • Its high damage combos and charged attacks allow hunters to quickly stagger and knock down monsters.
  • While slow and cumbersome, in the hands of a skilled hunter, the Greatsword dominates one-on-one monster fights.
  • Use tackles and charged slashes to punish openings.
  • The Greatsword also blocks attacks well in a pinch.


The Longsword is also considered the best weapon to use in MHW solo gameplay.

  • The Longsword utilizes quick slashes along with a Spirit Gauge that powers up combos.
  • It's very mobile and adept at precision cutting.
  • Once you get ahold of the timings of monster attacks, LS can even deal greater damage than Greatsword.



A-Tier MHW Solo Weapons


Charge Blade

The Charge Blade offers morphing attacks between sword, shield, and axe modes.

  • Guard Points can block attacks and transition into heavy axe strikes to deal massive damage.
  • CB elemental damage from Super Amped Element Discharge is one of the biggest damage in MHW.

Dual Blades

  • The Dual Blades unleash a flurry of hits and elemental damage, and their speed allows hunters to stay on the offensive.
  • Aside from Charge Blade, DB deals massive elemental damage.



B-Tier MHW Solo Weapons



Hunters who want a blunt weapon will appreciate the Hammer's knockout power.

  • Charge up and release charged brutish blows to stun monsters, then wail away at their heads.
  • It has good mobility despite its size.
  • The best bonking system to stun any kind of monster.


If you are looking for a safe yet deadly weapon, Gunlance is the perfect weapon for you.

  • Blocking and evading, then countering with shelling, long pokes, and wide sweeps make them reliable vs. imposing beasts.
  • With the right decorations and skills, GL shelling will deal devastating damage.




You'll be surprised how deadly a Lance can be.

  • Blocking and counter-poking is what Lance does best.
  • The new Counter Grapple system makes Lance one of the best weapons there is, nothing better (and cooler) than counter grapple monsters Spider-man style.

Insect Glaive

The Insect Glaive allows hunters to vault into the air and mount monsters. Kinsects can also extract buffs from monsters to empower the Glaive.

  • IG offers players a safe yet deadly playstyle.
  • Its air movements give players easy access to mounting the monsters.



C-Tier MHW Solo Weapons



More advanced hunters can utilize the Bow's mobility and ranged attacks to safely chip away at monsters.

  • Dodge dancing while bombarding weak points from a distance is very viable.
  • Once you get the hang of the Bow, you can easily best any kind of monster.

Switch Axe

The Switch Axe provides explosive morphing attacks that are satisfying to pull off. However, solo hunters may find themselves too exposed using these weapons.

  • With the use of Rocksteady and Temporal Mantle, Switch Axe can be a very deadly weapon.

Sword and Shield

Don't judge a weapon by how it looks. Despite looking like a kitchen knife, Sword and Shield can be very deadly in the hands of experienced hunters.

  • There's only one thing to do with Sns, Perfect Rush.
  • If Perfect Rush is done correctly and constantly, you can even deal more damage than a Greatsword.



D-Tier MHW Solo Weapons


Hunting Horn

The Hunting Horn is relegated to just bashing away without teammates to buff.


Light/Heavy Bowgun

Bowguns lack precision from close range.

  • Bowguns are perfect to utilize from a distance.
  • With the monster focusing on you, it's quite difficult to fully utilize the best of Bowguns.




The top-tier Greatsword, Longsword, and Charge Blade are ideal picks for hunters who prefer battling alone in Monster Hunter World. But skill and knowledge of monster movesets can make any weapon viable. Try out different loadouts and find which style best suits your solo hunting needs. With practice, you'll be slaying beasts in no time.
