MultiVersus: Finn Guide - Moves, Perks, Combos & Tips

Learn all you need to know about Finn in Multiversus, including his moves, perks and tips to play in this comprehensive guide.

MultiVersus: Finn Guide - Moves, Perks, Combos & Tips
Player First Games /GameLeap

Finn brings his adventurous spirit and fighting skills to the MultiVersus arena. As an Assassin character, Finn excels in close-quarters combat, rewarding aggressive playstyles with his unique ability to accumulate Coins. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Finn's moves, best combos, recommended perks, and valuable tips to help you become a true master in MultiVersus.

Finn's Moves in MultiVersus

Finn, the beloved hero from the Land of Ooo is an Assassin character, who excels in close-quarters combat. He also has the unique passive ability where he can accumulate Coins. These Coins not only power up his backpack attacks but also allow him to purchase beneficial items during the battle.

Finn's moveset is tailored for initiating combos, breaking through defenses, and keeping opponents airborne for extended periods, making him a formidable force in the multiverse.



Ground Attacks

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Attack Chop! Charge a forward chop.
Side Attack (hold) Slam-A-Pack! Finn front flips forward then slams his backpack in front of him. The more Coins he has, the stronger this attack becomes.
Side Attack The Sword Stuff! Charge a stab that combos into a series of swipes.
Up Attack Slasher! Charge an upward slash that launches Finn.
Down Attack Down-Stab! Charge a plunging stab downward that Breaks Armor.

Aerial Attacks

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Attack Slam-Bam-In-A-Can! A kick that Breaks Armor. Finn will dash behind the enemies he kicks.
Side Attack Flying Sword Moves! A combo of 2 forward sword slashes. The second attack can be Charged.
Up Attack Sky Punch! An upward punch.
Down Attack Ground Chop! A downward chop.

Ground Special Attacks

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Special High Five, Dude! Finn charges and delivers a powerful high-five attack that Reflects Projectiles.
Side Special Get Skronked! Finn rushes forward shoulder first, creating a barrier that blocks Projectiles.
Up Special Backpack Attack! Finn spins his backpack around, repeatedly hitting enemies who are caught in its vacuum.
Down Special Sweet Deals! Finn shops for goods using his Coins.

Aerial Special Attacks

MultiVersus Finn Guide - Moves, Perks, Combos & Tips 4.jpg
Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Special High Five, Dude! Finn charges and delivers a powerful high-five attack that Reflects Projectiles.
Side Special Mathematical Air Dash! Finn does a dashing sword swing that targets and destroys Projectiles.
Up Special Soaring Backpack Attack! Similar to the ground, but Finn shoots upward during the attack.
Down Special Algebraic Stomp! Finn stops on his backpack, sending himself and his enemies upward.



Finn's Best Combo

Backpack Uppercut Combo

Aerial Down Attack > Up Attack > Aerial Side Attack > Aerial Up Special. 

This combo juggles opponents until they are knocked off the stage, making it an excellent finisher.

Armor Breaker Combo

Aerial Down Attack > Up Attack > Aerial Neutral Attack.

This combo utilizes Finn's "Cracking Kick!" move to break armor, making it effective against armored characters like Superman.

High Five, Dude! Combo

Aerial Down Attack > Up Attack > Neutral Special.

A solid all-around combo that can be followed up with an Aerial Side + Attack for additional damage against floaty opponents.



Best Perks for Finn

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Player First Games
Perk Description
Going Out of Business All the items in Finn's shops are discounted by 200 gold for 10 seconds after Finn's ally is rung out. The discount is also active after Finn reaches 100 damage.
Pugilist Your melee attacks deal increased damage.
2 Fast 2 Block Your dash attacks break armor.
Sturdy Dodger Your team gains armor for 1 second after parrying a projectile.

Tips to Play Finn in MultiVersus 

Accumulate Power Through Coins: Finn's playstyle revolves around aggressively attacking opponents to accumulate Coins. These Coins not only power up his backpack attacks but also allow him to purchase beneficial items.

Punish Squishy Mages: Finn's kit is designed to counter ranged, projectile-reliant characters like Mages. Use his parries and blocks to close the distance, then unleash devastating combos on these squishy targets.




By mastering Finn's unique moveset, leveraging his powerful combos, and employing the right perks and strategies, you'll find out that he is one of the most powerful characters in MultiVersus.

Make sure to also check our other MultiVersus guides:
